I never wanted to be one of ‘those moms’. You know the ones that can take the topic of a conversation and somehow squeeze in a cute little anecdote about their kid?
Sara – ‘Did you hear the new White Stripes? It’s awesome.’
Crazy Mom – ‘If you want to talk awesome and white, you should see the painting that Little Billy did at school of this sheep. Kill-ah.’
Sara – ‘Waiter – beer please’.
Well, I guess considering I’m writing this blog, that I’m one of those moms. I tend to do this most often at work, I think because I miss the boy. There are times though, like at our book club, that speaking of our kids is taboo – we need to cover more important topics like body waxing and south american wines – oh and the book, right, the book.
The thing that kills me though is when people you don’t know share random stats with you about their kids. Like totally out of the blue. (ugh – just noticed my finger is totally green from some cheapo ring that I bought…that ain’t pretty). SEE! A random thought like that!
Will and I were at the library the other night. He was choosing what book he would torture me with for the next week and I was trying to hide the container of raisins that he was illegally eating. I was eavesdropping on this couple who were reading to their young baby. They were discussing how they would teach her to pronounce her “r’s” (huh? I just want Will to say some words, I don’t give a rats ass how he pronounces them). Anyway, Will wanted to say hi to the baby so we ventured over. This led to a bizarre exchange. Well, exchange by them to me, where I stood looking back and forth like a tennis match until the librarian came over and booted them out for talking so loud.
They asked how old Will was and I told them…and the flood started. In a matter of seconds, I learned where the babies outfit and sling came from, that she sleeps through the night and had for months (no, no, no people some of us weren’t that lucky, and we REALLY dislike these stories) OH and that she can play the organ for twenty minutes at a time.
Maybe it was good for me to run into them because it made me realize that not everyone wants to hear every little thing about your kid – even if you think it’s totally adorable (like how Will now has to sleep with the book that he picked out which is literally as tall as him). Ugh…I did it again. I guess this post was nothing more than another chance to tell you cute stories about my kid….I better get him started on an instrument stat.
Classic Amreen! It’s true – it is our life isn’t it….and I love the ‘my stories are always funny’ – because OF COURSE they are!!!
And Gudz…can you imagine if they did – because that ‘r’ pronounce story was verbatim….it wouldn’t be the first time I’ve humiliated myself on a blog would it!!!
love your blog! that is hilarious. I’m a self diagnosed over-sharer about my kids. My husband warns me before every social occasion to control the length of my kid-focused stories. Sometimes I listen to him and sometimes i don’t care. this is my life right now – the kids. what else am i going to talk about? it’s not like i read the paper, watch the news or go out ever!!!?? however, i understand the boredom factor for others because i have also been on the other end of an over-sharing experience. of course, my stories are always funny.
Let’s hope the couple doesn’t read your blog! Or maybe that’ll be a good thing, and make them realize their insanity.