The Oscar nominations came out this morning and while there were a few surprises….by this point with every award show under the sun happening before, everything was pretty locked up.
Before I had Will, I can say that I would see every nominated film in the top six categories (picture, director, actor, actress and supporting actor and actress) every year. I take my movie watching pretty seriously. This year, I’m way and I mean WAY behind. And sadly, the nominee that I was most excited for was Am I A Man or a Muppet for Best Original Song.
So – let me give you my predictions….
Best Picture – The Artist; The Descendents; The Help; Hugo; Extremely Loud; War Horse; Midnight in Paris; Moneyball; Tree of Life. My prediction. The Artist. I just saw it…like an hour ago…and I loved it! I’ve only seen two others from the list – Midnight in Paris and The Descendents and I loved them both.
Best Actor – Brad Pitt, George Clooney, Gary Oldman, Jean Dujardin and Demain Birchir. People are saying my man George is a lock. But I’m going for Dujardin from The Artist. Mostly because I want to hear him speak in french. No honestly, the emotion he gets across with just his face is INSANE. George was good in the Descendents but meh…we’ve seen it.
Best Actress – Meryl. Why bother naming the others.
Best Supporting Actor – Jonah Hill; Kenneth Branagh; Nick Nolte; Max Von Sydow and Christopher Plummer. Is anyone else singing ‘one of these things is not like the other’ right now?? Jonah Hill??? Please – this is all Plummer….for his lifetime of work. Hello Captain Von Trapp!
Best Supporting Actress – Melissa McCarthy!!!! Octavia Spencer, Jessica Chastain, Berenice Bejo, Janet McTeer. I have only seen Bridesmaids on this list (god…who am I!)…and I’d love her to win more than anything…but I think it will be Spencer or Bejo.
Best Director – Scorcese – I have as much desire to see Hugo as I do to naked mud wrestle with Carrot Top but I’m told it’s brilliant and it won’t win Best Picture so they’ll give it to him.
But REALLY – come on. We only watch the Oscars for fashion….so let’s all tune in at the end of February and talk fashion – Brad and Angie; George and the wrestler; no Madonna – wahoo! Hopefully Kermit will make an appearance since that seems to be how I roll these days.
What are your predictions???
i feel pretty darn confident about C. Plummer – and agree that his speech was the bomb! i have to see the Descendants before i can comment on the others!
I love the Oscars too… used to have an Oscar party and everything, back in the day, but it got tricky after the birth of kids, and late Sunday nights. And with the birth kids came the sad realisation that I never get to theatre anymore (hardly) so I can’t even make predictions – I haven’t SEEN anything!! Gah. My life is tragic.
But, I do so love the fashion too…!!
Sadly I’ve only seen Bridesmaids and The Descendants.
LOVE them both.
Love the Oscars. For fashion. And the opening of the show that they put on. Lets hope Billy Crystal brings some laughs.
I’m with Julie! He’s the only one I really care about. I’ll still watch but this one HAS to happen.
pluuu-mmmer…pluuu-mmmmer! that’s really the only one i’m rooting for! he’ll have the best speech ever!