It’s the Thursday before a long weekend and oh MAN is it beautiful outside. Exceedingly hard to concentrate. Tomorrow is World Autism Awareness Day. I was going to write all about it and about my amazing nephew Scotty and his mom. But honestly, it’s making me too emotional and I’d rather sit here and pretend I’m sitting on a patio slurping back – oh I don’t know – about 12 pints.
I thought I’d check in with a few updates!
First – no word from the doctor which I’m taking as good news. They said they’d call within three to five business days and my doctor said she’d only call if there was an issue. Today is Day Five so I’m officially believing that we’re all in the clear. Perfect!
Second – the online dating thing. All right – so as promised I put a profile up. For a week or so, no hits – unless you count the hits to my ego. Holy crap – loooooser. Well bigger loser apparently because I forgot to make the thing live – figured that out a couple days ago. Since then, it’s been interesting. I contacted one person and he emailed me back. Good sign? I haven’t really found anyone else on there YET that I wanted to contact but I decided to be open minded with anyone who contacted me. Apparently, I’m a super hot commodity with 50+ shorter men, who are cops and who don’t read profiles – a few of them state specifically that they don’t want kids – that might be an issue sir.
I was contacted by someone this morning who I initally went – nope, not my type. Then I sat there for a minute and thought. Helloooo you’re single and have been for ages, when exactly is that type going to swoop in and find you. So I answered him back. We’ll see what happens.
This afternoon someone emailed me and said, ‘you look just like that Jennifer Anniston person’ – sure I do buddy and you look exactly like Bradley Cooper.
I’m still not 100% sold on the whole thing but my cousin called to tell me he’s crazy about someone he met online, my friend’s sister is buying a house with someone that she met and my stepmother’s sister has been happily living with someone for a few years that she met online. So I promise to give it a shot and be open minded. Good god, who the hell is this writing my blog?
So Happy Easter everyone. Enjoy the chocolate – I remember one year at our house the Easter Bunny was on Weight Watchers and hid underwear instead…I miss you mom.
**In honour of Autism Awareness Day though – I do encourage you to have a read of the supplement in the Globe and Mail today. One in every 110 children will be diagnosed with Autism. This is an epidemic. This is not acceptable anymore.
Here are Scotty and Will on a road trip last year. Yes, the cooler was full of beer and yogurt. Hopefully in 20 years, the boys will be in the front seat driving so my sister and I can have easier access to the damn cooler!!!
John and I met online! Married 3 years with a baby!
You have the best attitude. When I started I promised myself that I would be open-minded about any man who contacted me. When John first contacted me I was like, ‘no way. Totally not my type.” But I kept my open mind and six years later we are madly in love and I revel every day in my good fortune.
That’s not to say I didn’t have some disaster dates, but you gotta keep a sense of humor about things.
And don’t forget – no scooping the poop!!
My husband and I met online 12 years ago (!) We’ve been together for 10 years and married for the past 3. There are thousands of stories like ours. Yours will be written too!
Bravo… think outside the box! Remember even if you go to meet them and don’t click with them… maybe they know someone who would be perfect for you! It’s a numbers game. Meet as many people as you can with an open mind. Be clear with what you want from the relationship when you meet them. Somewhere someone is waiting for a fabulous woman like you.
You go girl! Anyway, it can’t hurt to try. I too have heard of many relationships and even a few marriages coming out of the online dating thing. Btw, LOVE the photo. Enjoy the patio weather!
even though i know everythin about your life anyway….reading what your write in your blogs always makes me teary. You rock. I love ya.
( the 12 pints you were wishing that you had today….i am having…:) )