I’m not one of those people who gets writer’s block. no, my dears, I’ve always got something to say. YOU may not find what i’ve got on my mind interesting. YOU may not care what i had for lunch. or about my turtleneck addiction. or how trashy i think Britney is these days. or about how i keep breaking my ipod. or – heaven forbid – about my battle with the South Beach Diet. but, that doesn’t stop me. oh no, i’m still going to talk. and talk. and talk.
and from the steady increase in my stats (yes, i read my stats…does that make me a loser?), it’s clear that some of you like me. you like me! you really like me! but, i want to hear from you. i want to know what you want me to write about. because i’ve got loads of ideas. i can write reviews of child-related products (i’m a stroller EXPERT, you know. no seriously, i am). talk about what’s hot and what’s not in the baby world. or kid world. or mommy world. i can talk about what i’m watching on tv right now. the husband and i just started season 1 of Alias, and even though he doesn’t think Jennifer Garner’s remotely hot, we are digging it. and Dexter! anyone watching Dexter? or we can take a trip back into my closet. we’ve done shoes and turtlenecks…we can do something else…
we can talk about toilet training. or night terrors. or picky eaters. or peanut-free schools. or report cards. or discipline. or kids and homework. or holidays. or my slight cookie and coffee obsession…(mmm…cookies… for the record…these are officially my favorites. and yes, i will gladly accept them as a gift). kids. friends. family. the past (but those will have to be saved for fridays). we can talk about my brand-new workspace at work….yes, ma’am, i moved to the back and now – even though it’s still a cubicle – i have a window. i’m moving up in the world!
so…i want to hear from you. what do you like about Fabulous? what do you not-so-much like? what do you want more of? pictures! of my kidlets! you know you want them! you can leave me some comments in the comment section. feel free! it’s not scary. i promise i won’t bite. or, if you are shy or don’t want to leave a comment, send me an email: amartell (at) scholastic (dot) ca 🙂 (thanks, Jeff, for helping me avoid spambots!)
i’d love to hear from you. and on that note…are any of you checking out my songs of the day? any of you? Bueller?
I love whatever you write about — you know that! Love that you got a window at work! That’s HUGE!!!
Dexter!!!! Holy shit, that’s a GREAT show. Let’s talk about that! And fashion.
I personally LOVE hearing about your kids. And Herbal Essences.
I was very excited when I read your intro on the home page: “Ali, career mom of three, writes about the trials of trying to stay tuned in to the latest in Fabulous!” I’ve found very little of that in your content, and I am hoping for more. I’d like a bit of Sex and the City here…a mom’s perspective on trying to stay hip in this baby world. I *LOVED* your post about shoes, I was happy to read about your turtlenecks, and am less interested in reading about children and trials and tribulations of motherhood. I am a mom of three, I live it everyday. I come here for a bit of escape, and to feed the part of me that isn’t just a mom…like the manifesto says.
Anyways…you asked – I answered. One last thing…I do check out your songs of the day.
Could easily talk about Dexter – just finished watching season 1 – FrEaKy. Michael C. Hall was excellent – made me forget about SFU.
I love your fashion insights and peeking into your closet. Also love the Survivor idea. Any kind of obscure but interesting products you come across would be interesting.
Basically, keep doing what you’re doing! Your stats are rising for a reason…don’t go changin’!
Dave just downloaded the entire first season of Dexter. It looks *awesome* and we’re stoked to start watching it.
Hmmm…I really like Jeff’s Survivor comparison suggestion, since I’m a big fat Survivor addict. And you know, I really wouldn’t mind if you talked a bit about kids and their eating habits at various ages. Because I sometimes wonder if my children are going to spend the REST OF THEIR LIVES eating Cheerios and marble cheese.
oooh…so many options…
i’m loving the last one!!
OK… subjects I would like to see covered:
– the remarkable lack of children’s books about yaks
– fifty ways to sort your garbage (also known as: “how to drive a municipality insane”)
– “Nippletoe: It’s not just for Christmas”
– why Hiro’s time travels do not affect the space-time continuum
– a comprehensive comparison of all previous winners of Survivor
OK that’s all I have for now.