I know that as a mom I have a hard time balancing my desire to "treat"
my kids to a meal at McDonald’s with the bit of guilt I have about what
exactly they are consuming. There are so many mixed messages! Wouldn’t
you like to have the opportunity to get the inside scoop or have the
chance to see it for yourself?
Well, McDonald’s is launching a really cool new initiative. Not only do I think this is totally necessary but it is also a really smart move on their part. They have developed a program called the McDonald’s Canada Mom Correspondents. They will select 4 moms from across Canada to be Mom Quality Correspondents. Basically, this group gets a behind the scenes look at McDonald’s on everything from food prep and manufacturing to restaurant set-up and future plans. These moms will then write about what they saw and heard and will post pictures and video so that all of us can share in their experiences and get answers to our questions.
Do you want to know why I am extra excited about this program? Not only
do I think it is great to see consumers getting an opportunity to get
to know a big brand like McDonald’s first hand and to represent other
moms but McDonald’s has asked urbanmoms.ca to be their official Mom
Media! We will be covering the ins and outs and ups and downs of this
program from recruitment of the Mom Correspondents to the trips to the
questions and answers. We’ll be giving you the inside scoop. How cool
is that?!
The Mom Correspondents will be selected not based on their love of the McDonald’s brand but on their curiosity, questions, and interest in knowing more and their willingness to share. They will be representing moms across the country! As I mentioned, these moms will be going on a couple of
trips to visit McDonald’s facilities, restaurants, and suppliers to ask questions and get to the inside scoop.
I admire McDonald’s for doing this and, to be honest, feel better about them already. Why? Because no brand is going to invite a group behind the scenes and give them license to talk and write about it unless they are sure that what they have to show is going to impress. They must be pretty confident in the quality of their product and in the process which is definitely reassuring.
I am so excited about this because it is truly an opportunity like no other. A big company like McDonald’s is working with their consumers to make sure they are getting it right!
If you think you would be interested in representing Canadian moms as a Mom Quality Correspondent go to the website here to submit your entry. If you have questions or comments about this program or want me to get to the bottom of something McDonald’s related for you, post your comment below or send me an email and I will find out. Remember, we’re representing you so let us know what questions you have. I’ll keep you posted regularly on what’s happening with The Mom’s Quality Team so stay tuned.
THIS IS BRRRRRILLIANT! Very cool. So smart, McDonald’s. Ya, we eat there too much. If it wasn’t for the new Angus burger, I wouldn’t eat anything but a few fries. It’s just not on my new healthy diet. No simple carbs for me anymore. Think we can get them to make sweet potato fries?? 😀 If we had a Booster Juice in our town, we’d rarely eat at McDonald’s. But we don’t. So I decide on McD’s a lot.
wow! this is great! i’m so glad that urbanmoms.ca is getting to be a part of this!
So I checked out the McD’s website and it turns out I won’t be able to apply because I worked there in high school, a (ahem) few years ago. Bummer! I think this is going to significantly reduce the candidate pool – I mean, who didn’t get their first job there? I still use the phrase “clean as you go”. Words to live by! Anyway, I’m looking forward to hearing all about it.
As long as I’m talking McD’s here, I must give a shout out to their new Cinnamon Melts. OMG – they are orgasmically delicious! (McDonald’s can feel free to use that line in their marketing – I haven’t copyrighted it yet. I’m picturing a commercial titled “Not tonight honey, I’m eating Cinnamon Melts”.) But, I digress. They are the perfect combination of warm dough, cinnamon filling and warm creamy icing. And they come in a box suitable for licking out the last bit of icing with your tongue – not that I would know anything about that. You simply must try them – or not, then there will be more for me!
Wow, that’s really cool! And how great that Urban Moms is involved!!
What a great idea – 80% of moms take their kids to McD’s [and the other 20% are liars :-)]. When my picky 4 year old really frustrates me I know that she will eat there, and I know it’s a relatively healthy choice – meat, bun, a container of milk – it’s so simple. Hmm, I could go for a double hamburger myself right now! I’m looking forward to hearing a lot more about this new urbanmom’s relationship, and I’m definitely going to apply to be an MQC.
Looks very cool and I tried to sign up but I could not get the site to accept my e-mail address. I can’t wait to read what all the moms have to say. Especially since I am a not so closet MacDonald’s fan myself.