I am a good wife. This is pretty undeniable. You see, i like sports. i like sports a lot. possibly more than my husband. (well, he likes hockey more than i, but i’ve got football and basketball covered). i drink beer. i drink scotch. I eat ribs with my hands and don’t care if i get dirty. I can eat my weight in doughnuts. (for real, i can). If he wants to go out with the boys, or if he wants to play hockey or if he has to work late, i don’t bat an eyelash. of course it’s not a problem. and let’s just say that in the bedroom department, the husband has no complaints.
AND i don’t make him watch chick flicks. ever. well, i did once. Hope Floats. and it was seriously the worst movie that either of us had ever seen. note to self. no more sandra bullock movies (and Crash doesn’t count, people!) I am not a huge chick flick fan to begin with. so, i will either see them with the girls or when they come out on TMN. From the first second i saw the trailor for The Holiday, I knew I’d have to see it (Jude Law’s in it after all…) and i knew that there was no way on god’s way- too-green-for-January earth that the husband was going to see it.
so, usually when i see one of these said movies, i hope for the best, but really, i’m expecting the worst. Occasionally, a chick movie will blow me out of the water – like The Notebook or Wicker Park or Dirty Dancing…but usually they are nothing more than a crappy Julia Roberts or Meg Ryan cheesefest (see: My Best Friend’s Wedding and You’ve Got Mail. feel free to insert other Julia and Meg movies), which i’ll sit through, but i need to be sewing or writing or scrapbooking at the same time.
that being said, The Holiday was a GREAT movie. I mean, of course, it was incredibly predicatable. and sappy. the same old same old wonderful women in horrible no-good relationships find true love. But Kate Winslet was charming (albeit in a slightly pathetic Bridget Jones’y way). Jack Black was funny (watch for a hilarious boob-brush). Jude Law was amazing, even in his emo glasses. and Cameron Diaz. Wow. i don’t even know where to start.
this is what i’m used to seeing:
and this is what was on screen:
talk about cleaning up well…my god.
i highly recommend. highly. if nothing else than to sit and ogle at Jude’s lovely face (i could have done without the hairy chest) for 90 minutes.
song of the day: Caring is Creepy by The Shins. Good song. good song. and it’s nice to look at Ewan too. bonus!
video of the day: A Tigger beats up some kids. and it’s freakin’ hilarious!
come on over and see my at Cheaper Than Therapy. and leave a comment on Wednesday. it’s National delurking week. would it kill ya to comment??!!!
ha ha ha ha! did you know that stressed spelled backwards is desserts!!??!
I am so with you on the Chick Flicks and the romance novels. “gag”. When I first felt the need to get back into reading, I asked my co-workers (all whom have been to college since they are nurses) who a good author was. Many of the more avid readers suggested Nora Roberts…..so, I went and bought a couple of her books……about 3 paragraphs into the first book I was all like, WTF????? This is rubbish!!! So I have since found a few authors I do enjoy reading…..and have tried to educate and enlighten my co-workers with something less fluffy……to no avail of course.
Can’t STAND Sandra Bullock. You couldn’t PAY me to see the Lake House. I liked her in that Christmas movie, though. Great lipstick in that movie — I remember being totally inspired.
Cameron is known for her HORRIBLE skin! That’s a good airbrushing job, they did!
Thanks for recommending the movie. I think I’ll wait till video — but good to know it’s actually worth watching. I’ve heard mixed reviews.
yes! it’s so similar to Tara Road…a book that i love love loved!
Is it just me or is The Holiday loosely based on a Maeve Binchy book called Tara Road? It seems so, so similar to this book…
i cannot bring myself to see The Lake House…there’s no way THAT can be good!
You want a Sandra movie that sucked worse than Hope Floats? Try The Lake House… postal mail travels across time AND we get the added bonus of Keanu Reeves…
My hubby wants to see this one as well, so we’ll have to book a sitter and go, fer sure! Thanks for the review…it always makes me want to see a move more when a “real person” endorses it 🙂 Oh, and btw I had never seen You’ve Got Mail until my last scrapbooking retreat … must be something about the 2 that just goes together 🙂
if you ask me, the emo glasses just made Jude that much more adorable. Loved that movie. (And Tim said Kate Winslet reminded him of Bridget Jones, too.)
Hey Ali – I saw it too (with my hubby, I might add!) and really enjoyed it. Predictable, yes. Feel good movie, yes. Few tears shed, yes. And for the first time I actually saw Jude as YOU see him…he was TOTALLY HOTT!!!! I loved the Jack Black character and Kate was just smashing (did you catch the little British accent there?). I also thought Cameron was cute. The character wasn’t much of a stretch for her but my hubby felt that she was worth the price of admission 😉