Earlier this year we dumped almost 3000 dollars in to car repairs for Sean’s vehicle.
Recently it was acting up again so we started thinking about our options and what we wanted/needed to do. He drives a well loved, well used 2003 vehicle. We went to the car dealership and chatted about what our options for a new car could be.
Recently it was acting up again so we started thinking about our options and what we wanted/needed to do. He drives a well loved, well used 2003 vehicle. We went to the car dealership and chatted about what our options for a new car could be.
Yesterday we were told that it needs close to 3000 dollars in repairs. Again.
With that said – we went back to the dealership and signed for a new car.
No car payments are fantastic. They really are but $3000 car repair bills are just not possible for us to pay every few months. And the risk of Sean driving a car that could breakdown any time he’s in it is just not worth it.
We just wanted to run it into the ground and we kinda got the feeling that it’s there. It’s in the ground. It’s sad – Sean loves that car. Probably just as much as he did when he first got it.
Last week Sean sent me a text after driving into Toronto: “My car is f*cked”
With that said – we went back to the dealership and signed for a new car.
No car payments are fantastic. They really are but $3000 car repair bills are just not possible for us to pay every few months. And the risk of Sean driving a car that could breakdown any time he’s in it is just not worth it.
We just wanted to run it into the ground and we kinda got the feeling that it’s there. It’s in the ground. It’s sad – Sean loves that car. Probably just as much as he did when he first got it.
Last week Sean sent me a text after driving into Toronto: “My car is f*cked”
Statements like that make me uncomfortable with my kids in that car. So they are no longer allowed in it.
The past week or so had me thinking do we really need two cars?
Growing up we only had one vehicle. I don’t think my parents ever even considered a second vehicle. My dad drove the car to work and my mom took the bus. I don’t think any of my friends parents had more than one vehicle.
So do WE need 2?
The answer is yes. Even though we live within walking distance to the kids school and Sean works from home at least 2 days a week – there is no way I could not have my own vehicle.
The answer is yes. Even though we live within walking distance to the kids school and Sean works from home at least 2 days a week – there is no way I could not have my own vehicle.
Sean is often gone for work on overnight trips.
Sean coaches Cam’s hockey team and he does all the shuttling for games, practices and tournaments.
Sean needs a decent work vehicle. He drives people around from out of town (he had to borrow his Dad’s Murano the last time his director was here because his car was being a bitch).
I have a crazy work schedule (3 part time jobs and I still consider myself a SAHM) and am often going to work when Sean is already gone, or I have to leave before he gets home.
Sean needs a decent work vehicle. He drives people around from out of town (he had to borrow his Dad’s Murano the last time his director was here because his car was being a bitch).
I have a crazy work schedule (3 part time jobs and I still consider myself a SAHM) and am often going to work when Sean is already gone, or I have to leave before he gets home.
There is no public transit in the town I live in.
I’ve had my own car since I was 19 (my dad gave me his old ’89 Plymouth Sundance that I drove until 2001)
When we met, we each came into the relationship with our own car.
I couldn’t give up that independence by not having my own vehicle.
When we met, we each came into the relationship with our own car.
I couldn’t give up that independence by not having my own vehicle.
We’ll have to tighten our belts even more with this new car payment. Readjust our budget. But we have to do it.
What do you think?
Are you a 2 vehicle family?
Could you manage with only 1 vehicle?
Are you a 2 vehicle family?
Could you manage with only 1 vehicle?
I am a SAHM with 3 kids and only 1 car in our family. However, my husband either rides his bike or takes public transit to work when he can, so I have the car on most days when I need it. When he needs the car, I adjust my schedule. Saves lots of money to only have 1 car to buy/insure/repair/fill with gas/etc.
I can’t imagine being a one car family. I mean, I could throw the kid(s) into the car every morning and take hubby to the train and do the same each evening. It would probably work. But it may be hell and I’d rather not. Besides, the cars are paid off…
Right now, we have two smaller 4 door cars. I’m worried about getting everything (including two kids) into these cars and we’ve been throwing around the idea of getting a new and bigger car but I just can’t stomach the thought of adding a monthly payment to our already tapped budget. sigh.
One car is ideal but we are two also a two car family, 90% of the time on just sits there. There are a luxury item. I see these kids in my neighbourhood driving huge leased trucks. I think, “Oh my God, they are willing to sacrifice education and a down payment on a home for a brand name car!”.
Speaking of sinking money into a used car, I seem to recall spending $800.00 of my “hard” earned TicketTron money into new struts for that Sundance Dad gave to you. My first lesson on what a money pit cars are.
Go and get another one and enjoy it! You’ll need to because it will take up so much money.
In a small town with no transit and all you do with the kids, your work….. sadly , suckily… you need another car sweetness.
We are a 2 car family and it would not be remotely possible to survive on one. My husband needs a car for work and he is often gone on overnight trips, which can sometimes last upto a week.
I, like you, have three children and a crazy schedule. I think the only way to live as a one-car family is if you live in a town with a “real” transit system – meaning it runs frequently and is reliable. If you do have that option, one car is enough – because for the few times you need a second car you can always get a zip car. Enjoy the new car – it sounds like you both work very hard and deserve some nice new shiny things. And when you can write if off as necessity, even better!
We went down to 1 car last year – it lasted a month. I was going crazy by the time we picked up our new van. We wanted to see if we could handle it, well, I needed to see if I could handle being without a car. I couldn’t.
Aside from needing the car for day to day use, my business depends on me going to other people’s homes or parks for their photo sessions. At least I can write part of the car off on my taxes every year!
We have to have two. I wish we didn’t, but there’s no way around it. Right now it’s a definite have to with the hubby living in another state. Even when we get to live together, though, we still need two. Hubby is at work all day, and Logan has therapies I have to get him to. Our town only has mass transit closer in town, not out where we live.
We have 4 kids. 2 years ago, coming home from a long weekend away, my 17 year old son was driving and we ended up in the ditch thanks to a speeding sports car. We were all fine, but it took 2 months to get the vehicle repaired. We survived with 1 car, but it was no picnic. It was a constant juggle to get everyone where they needed to be and when, and it didn’t always happen and kids had to miss stuff. In fact, we just bought a third vehicle for my son to drive to work (4.5 hours away – comes home weekends). Can’t imagine being without my own wheels.
Well, you know I don’t even have a license, right? But, in our case, I think we could totally survive with just one vehicle, only because we live downtown, and my husband doesn’t drive to work during the week – we pretty much only use the car at the weekends. (I really should learn though – after all, it’s just sitting there during the day…)
Just like you Christine I often wonder about the 2 car thing. I think in the days when our parents only had one vehicle, Mom’s were less “busy.” There were not as many activities to shuffle the kids to etc. My mom would grocery shop on Saturday (there was no Sunday shopping) Or my mom could use the car when needed by driving Dad to the train station and then picking him up. I loved those days because we would wait for the train to come in and try to catch a glimpse of my dad stepping off the train before he magically appeared in the parking lot.
Independence is crucial but there have been those car trouble days where I find myself “stuck” at home and not being able to go anywhere until the hubby came home. In small spurts it’s not bad but over all yes, 2 vehicles is a must in our family. 🙂