My hubby & I sat down to watch our latest Netflix pick, The Duchess, & the one question that went through my mind was whether or not Keira Knightley was ready to carry a film? Incidentally, the only reason my husband agreed to actually sit down & watch this movie was because of Keira Knightley. So I guess we know where his vote is. I know she has starred in many films, even "headlining" a few (Atonement, Pride & Prejudice), but in The Duchess she is required to carry the movie. Check out the trailer for yourself.
The Duchess is based on the true life story of Georgiana (Spencer) Cavendish, The Duchess of Devonshire. We follow her life from shortly before her marriage to William Cavendish, The 5th Duke of Devonshire, at the age of 17 through 'til what should be her mid-to-late-thirties (the movie is somewhat time condensed as what should be about 20 years, is depicted as more like 10). Georgiana was quite revolutionary in the fashion world, as well as in the political realm, becoming quite influential using her celebrity for the Whig Party. She also endured being a third wheel (or fifth, if you count the dogs) in her own home (& marriage) due to the fact that her husband kept a much publicized mistress who lived with them, for all intents & purposes, as a second wife. Georgiana dealt with this through a string of affairs (including with future prime minister Charles Grey), gambling, drinking, drugs, & possibly even bulimia. Sounds like some of our 21st century problems were alive & well in the 18th century.
But back to the movie & that nagging question over whether Keira is really capable of carrying a movie. Let me say first off, I am not a Keira-hater. My hubby asked me whether I thought she was a great actress or just a pretty face? No doubt, she's a pretty face, & although maybe not a great actor (I reserve great for the likes of Meryl & the Kates - Winslet & Blanchett), she is a fine actor & is showing great growth in her acting career. I personally enjoyed her take on Elizabeth Bennet, in Pride & Prejudice, & she has only continued to improve both in 2007's Atonement & in The Duchess. You could easily cite the scene where she has to give up her illegitimate daughter with Charles Grey as an example, but for my money her best acting is showcased in a scene where she is watching her husband interact with his mistress' sons. The combination of sorrow, jealousy & failure is palpable in her performance. So, the answer to my question is, yes, she does a pretty decent job of carrying the movie (she is in pretty much every scene). It doesn't hurt to have Ralph Fiennes play the emotionally stunted Duke (or is he just a product of his society?). Fiennes turns what could easily be played as a one-dimensional character into a brilliant, layered performance, in which although you may not exactly feel sorry for him or like him, you don't entirely despise him either (which is quite amazing considering some of his despicable deeds).
And if neither of those performances appeal to you, you really should see it based on the fabulous costumes alone. They are stunning & truly do complement the story. No doubt a guaranteed Oscar for Costume Design.
I would say that The Duchess is definitely worth renting, even if you are a Keira-hater (you know who you are)!! She may actually surprise you. Better yet, rush out & buy Amanda Foreman's intriguing biography of Georgiana, based on letters & diaries of Georgiana & those closest to her.
As an interesting (& I feel somewhat low) footnote, the studio behind this film chose to market it based on the "similarities" between Georgiana & her famous great, great, great, great-niece, Princess Diana. You can check out the (somewhat creepy) trailer here. I don't know, trying to capitalize on a deceased-person's fame to sell a few movie tickets, well, as I said, it seems a bit low. Even more interesting is the fact that a direct descendant of Georgiana links her to the British Royal Family, through her illegitimate daughter, Eliza Courtney. Sarah Ferguson is Georgiana's great, great, great, great, great-granddaughter. (I should get a bonus for mentioning Fergie twice in one week!!)
Hmmm… Hubby is out of town tonight… wonder if I can get this on Rogers On Demand?
The costumes are great, but Keira’s hair takes the cake in every scene. What’s with the hair???
Yes I want to rent this too – I love a great period costume romance as well. (Can I just mention The Tudors here??? JRM is HOOOOOTTTTT). I am however worried that Keira’s tiny little neck can’t hold up those ginormous wigs 😉
I read the book. Although I found her story intriguing it was a biography so I am interested to see how the movie depicts some of the circumstances of her life. I will definitely rent this one.
Wow, I do love period pics, but I have been kinda a Keira hater up to now. Except Bend It Like Beckham, ’cause really, who could hate any part of that movie? But based on your review I’m going to give The Duchess a whirl. Thanks for the reco.