I think my Ginch heart is growing!! I’m not saying that I’ve fully drunk the juice and becoming a full on Christmas lover but there have been some moments this year where I’ve caught myself smiling widely and being amazed how little things can add up to a whole whack of awesomeness.
Let’s start with my tree….it fell down. (note – this was NOT the awesomeness part). My friend Magda came over to help me restand it. It wasn’t easy especially with an annoying toddler climbing all over my back requesting videos. But right when I was about to snap, he ran over to his dancing Santa, pressed the button, and started to dance and laugh. Magda and I lost it. It was a riot. Two minutes later, a hammer, a belt from my shirt…and voila – my tree was back!
Then, last Friday, I picked Will up at school. His teacher handed me a bag of ornaments that he had made all by himself for the tree. I immediately thought of all the ornaments we had made over the years that my mom hung on the tree year after year. It made me happy to think of Will and I starting our own tradition and that thirty years from now when he’s decorating his virtual tree in his Jetson-like apartment, he’ll have these ornaments to show his kids.
Here’s a little collage. One is the angel and dove (aka seagull as Will calls it) that I spoke of the other day. One of these was made either by me or my sister years ago (can you guess?) and the rest are my boys!!
On Saturday, my sister, Scotty, Will and I went to see Santa at Christmastown. (no I can’t tell you where it is…it’s harder to get in there than to get U2 tickets). When we went in for our private visit with Santa, Scotty ran up and parked himself on Santa’s knee. He proceeded to recite the entire Twas The Night Before Christmas for an obviously delighted and surprised Santa. I unfortunately only caught part of it….
This is one of the THOSE moments. One I will never forget. It was Christmas magic.
My final ‘okay Christmas may be okay after all’ moment happened this morning. I stopped at the Coffee Shop to give Will’s #1 babysitter a Christmas gift. I got her a journal and Will had made a picture of an angel with his handprints – so I pasted it inside the book for her from him. Sarah truly is our angel – I have NO idea how I would survive without her. The two of us stood there crying…and she said how much she loves Will. Hearing that is better than any gift.
These are my Christmas moments…and I’ll bring them forward with me next year and the year after…and who knows in a few years – maybe I’ll embrace the whole freaking thing!!!
Love the post Sara…I’ve enjoyed hearing about your season!!
Homemade ornaments are THE BEST! What fabulous traditions you are starting. And what a great way to show Will about the wonderful gift of giving. Merry Christmas!
You LOVE Christmas now. I am so excited for you!!!! xoxxoxo
You too Vern…xxx
Bawling my eyes out over here, Scotty and Will rock the planet!!
Warmest holiday wishes to you and yours Sara!!!
V jr.
What a wonderful post. I think you have more Christmas spirit in you than you think! HUGS. I hope you have a wonderful Christmas!