I have to admit, I have truly slacked off quite a bit this Summer with the parental timelines and rules. 9am? and you are still asleep? SCORE ONE FOR ME!
8pm? and dinner hasn’t been thought of? CRAP!!!! I have kids, right? Who wants chips and dip for dinner? I DO! aww….. It isn’t all about me, is it?
Along comes my responsible seven-year-old with her Paula Dean Cooking with Kids cookbook (given to her by her Grandmother for her birthday) under her arm. Let us not discuss her wearing her nightgown and bedazzled apron – armed for a grown-up discussion….
“Mom? Can I cook dinner tonight?”
“Wha? Dinner? Isn’t it bedtime?”
I have to say, my child is learning things I don’t think her cohorts are learning at this age – and it’s NOT because I’m lazy!
Together, we read line-by-line from her cookbook. Compared numbers, facts and figures and viola! My daughter made dinner for the family AND it was quite tasty!
Let me tell you! I so can’t WAIT until she can do the laundry.
So, tell me….. do you let your children help with dinner? I don’t mean like make it from scratch but help. Explain teaspoons, cups and temperature times.
Personally, I think it is truly one of the best things you can teach your children to do, experiment and learn as I know quite a few forty-year-old who don’t know how to boil water.
I absolutely let my boys help me cook/bake. HOWEVER, I have to be in juuust the right mood because the cleaning up aftermath? It blows!
this picture of her is AWESOME.
i love that you have her cooking.
I SOOOOOOO need to do this with my kids!
I can’t stand cooking so I get my kids to help simply to lessen the burden. My son, 10, is very interested in learning to bake. He has a little friend who does a lot of baking with her mom that has offered to give him some lessons. He can’t wait!