Recently we were lucky enough to spend a few days at Mont Tremblant in the beautiful province of Quebec. This lovely spot nestled in amongst the spectacular Laurentians is a short drive from Montreal and a hop, skip and jump from parts of Ontario and Vermont. It was the perfect way to end our family road trip (more on this in Travel Reviews soon)!
But on the last evening while we were out for a fondue dinner at La Savoie I experienced something the likes of which I have never seen before. I have heard of such craziness taking place but I have never been witness to it.
I saw before me a beast. He at first appears non-threatening as he lures you in with his sweet, puppy dog eyes. He may even cuddle up to you like the tiny baby you still confuse him for. But this beast is no nursling. No! He is definitely a beast and he is just waiting to pounce on anything edible he can get his hands on. He has an endless appetite and will eat until the food is gone and will then insist on eating more. You fear that this beast may have a demonic parasite in his flat, little belly. Where else could all of the food go? And you know that he will get very moody if you do not give him what he wants – food – so you do. The most frightening part about the beast? He lives among us.
I was able to catch the beast and his accomplice in action. Don’t be fooled by their friendly smiles. It is a distraction, a ploy. Soon they will attack!

My tween son (The Bottomless Pit) and his accomplice (Dad).
As my daughter and I eventually had to wave the white flag to the fondue feast…
The beast kept going! He ate and he ate and HE ATE SOME MORE. But the beast is so skinny, where does it go? After hours and hours of cheese and meat and veggie fondue even his brave and accomplished partner in crime, a beast in his own right, had to back down. And, naively, we all thought it was done but NO. The beast did the unthinkable. The unimaginable…
My growing boy with his chocolate fondue.
Do you have one of these beasts in your family? What do you do to appease and feed the beast?!