Well, well, well. CrazyMichelle is still on the show, scaring everyone (well, with the exception for Brad’s penis. He likes her very much.) with her awesome confessionals…”All I can do is be myself, be patient, and hope that Chantal gets attacked by monkeys. Or apes.”

Chantal O. falls in love with Brad while she prances around in his white button-down shirt. (PS. it was hot.)
And then a group date happens where Michelle (aka Vienna the second) gets upset and whines and mopes her way into Brad’s heart. Or pants. Either way.
And then Alli and Brad sink into the water, but Alli is totally okay with it because in her pea brain the date is going fabulously and that rose is in the bag but Brad really wants his women naked and tongue-kissing…he doesn’t really want to be talking about the differences between small towns and big cities. In other words…Alli is neither interesting enough nor whorish enough nor crazy enough to stick around. Also, um, apparently, bugs make her vomit. Honey…that’s a dealbreaker! buh-bye.
So, Rachel Berry goes home in rose ceremony where Shirtless Womack keeps Shawntel (even though her shmoopy “silent game” was a giant waste of her precious alone time with Brad), Emily, Chantal, Ashely, Crazypants McGee and someone I have never seen before. I hear her name is Britt, though. The good this is that we won’t have to act surprised when she gets sent packing next week.
Don’t you think Michelle looks a little like Jillian Michaels, but with smaller biceps and bigger CRAZY?? She’s so lame and toxic.