So, the biggest difference between The Bachelor and the Bachelorette? THE CRYING. Hoo boy, there’s the crying. Because on both shows there are the crazies and the jealousy and the OMG I just realized that he/she is kissing OTHER peoples (Really? You just realized? You know what this show is about, right? I mean…how many seasons have there been of this? YOU SIGNED UP FOR THIS.)
But tears. I cannot handle them.
Wait..I guess here’s something new! And I thought getting tattoos were bad…now we have bachelorettes GIVING THEMSELVES BLACK EYES TO GET ATTENTION. What? How on earth? In the midst of all of her waking up with heartburn and/or not sleeping, girl is punching herself in the face. And, you know, because she’s all wounded she obviously deserves a one-on-one date. Obviously. I really, really hope that Michelle is a producer plant because how is this kind of crazy still on my tv screen? I mean…it’s, like, PAINFUL to watch.
So Brad has a date with Chantal who is afraid of the water. So, guess where their date is? If you guessed “in the water” you’d be right.
and then Brad has a date with Michelle (PSYCHO) who is afraid of heights. So, guess where their date is? You guessed it – rappelling down a building!
The theme of this show seems to be…let’s see how much we can psychologically damage these girls before they run for the hills, ala FangGirl.
I mean, have you seen the previews for next week’s group date where they make EMILY go to a racetrack? You know Emily, right? She’s the one who gets special surprise picnics before the rose ceremonies because she’s going to be in the final 2 and Brad pretty much is in love with her already and almost everyone else can just go home.
On the group date, Ashley – who I kinda, sorta liked – turns on an extra special kind of crazy and even though Brad assured her that she wasn’t going anywhere and he was going to give her a rose to make sure she knew and could stop being a psychopath, she got all weird and sort of obnoxious so Brad gave the rose to someone else. Good thinking, there, Ashley. Maybe she should have punched herself in the face. A black eye may have worked better for her here.
And then Brad sends three girls home who I have never seen before.
I can’t wait for some more tears next week.
Ditto to all…the preview made me angry and my heart hurt for Emily. Mean. just mean. Emily is my hands down fave. But I think her veneers are too big.
I remember thinking I would not watch another episode unless Jake got rid of Vienna. And he freakin picked her.
What kills me about Michelle is that she is raising a child. Really? Am I the only one concerned for her daughters welfare????? What a freakin nutjob that one is.
These girls are bananas! It’s the best season I’ve watched in ages- I’m loving it (well, not Brad, but I’m loving the drama!).
Mark my words, Emily will be the next Bachelorette. He’s picking Chantal (the divorced one). I call it now:)
haha you are right on. The three girls that went home I was like, huh? Never saw her before. Ashley and Michelle are psycho!!!! I’m rooting for Emily.
Im with you Mrs. Wilson – this season is a riot.
And Ali – you are SO right – who were those broads he sent home? I never saw them the rest of the time!!!
The previews totally pissed me off too – ridiculous.
I loved how he said MIchelle is a great mother – ummm…have you seen her with the kid yet? Nope – he’ll I’m an INCREDIBLE mother on paper when I’ve had a couple weeks off….but you should have seen me this am when he bit me and spilled juice everywhere…I sucked.
I seriously love this season. There are a lot of CRAZIES. Michelle? REALLY??? I wish Brad was able to watch the footage of when he’s not around. Or maybe he likes that she’s insane? And that blond Ashley – WOW. If I was a producer, I’d keep those girls around for a while, but if I were Brad? SEND THEM HOME ALREADY.
Emily is the sweetest girl EVER. And I got a little angry watching the previews for next week – WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT TO HER??? It’s a little different than making someone face their fear of heights or water. Stupid producers.
I only kind of recognized the one girl who left – Lindsay – because I like red hair and she has it. I always love their exit interviews, you find out which ones are classy, accepting that it just didn’t work out, and which ones are all I AM PERFECT FOR HIM! HE IS MISSING OUT ON ME! WHY DID THIS HAPPEN TO MEEEEEEEEEE????