ohmigosh! is this thing actually working?? i’m running a test post…praying that it works. because y’all…i know that urbanmoms got a brand new facelift and it’s fantastic (have you poked around on the site at all? you should! it’s GREAT!) but well, um, Movable Type? she HATES me! for no reason! i’m a totally likable person, aren’t i?
speaking of other likable people…it seems as though Angelina and Brad are at odds over what to name their newly-outed twins (Thanks, Kung Fu Panda co-star Jack Black!) According to Female First, Angelina ‘wants to name the babies Castor and Pollox after the twins of her birth
sign [Gemini], but Brad has dismissed the suggestion as he doesn’t want a
daughter with a name “like a British cuss word”‘
CASTOR AND POLLOX?! Are you frickin’ kidding me?! Castor Oil and Bollox? I guess if you’re that rich and famous and beautiful you can get away with anything.
Btw, Ali. It ain’t Movable Type’s fault. It is something else much more hideous. Ugh. Will fix soon.