I’m lying in my bed balancing my laptop on one leg, with my other leg submerged in a blue recycling bin filled with ice water…..and I couldn’t be happier…I’M HOME!
It’s been nine weeks since the achilles popped in Chicago. Nine weeks that Will and I have been living with my sister and my nephew. Seven weeks of not driving. Seven weeks in a cast. Look – I know things could have been wayyyyyy worse. But it was and IS still a big disruption to my life, Will’s life and more importantly to my sister and Scotty’s life.
But lots have happened in these nine weeks. Will has moved to a big boy bed. We bought a house. We sold a house. Will has developed deeper relationships with all three of his aunts and uncles. Obviously two months living at my sister would lead to this. In the middle, my other sister came from Texas for a week without her daughter to look after us. It wasn’t a fun week for her necessarily BUT they spent a ton of time together without me and now when Will talks of Auntie Sherrill – he knows who she is. My brother John drove me home from work quite a bit and would come in and see Will. By the end if I came in without him it would be ‘Wherrrre Uncle John.’ This kid is going to be in serious withdrawl now that it’s just the two of us again.
The one thing that I hoped would happen didn’t though. I was hoping that Scotty and Will would have interacted more. Now I think – give your head a shake woman. Even without Scotty’s intense need for routine (which we through into turmoil), he’s 11!! Why would he want to hang with his very loud little cousin???
Another thing that didn’t happen? My sister and I didn’t kill each other! We had a few moments but they were very few and exhaustion driven. For two months Suzanne cooked, cleaned, drove Will to and from daycare, grocery shopped, did the laundry, slept on the couch, helped me shower, looked after Will and kept me from sinking into a depression. She saved us and I’m not saying that flippantly. I truly have no idea what the hell we would have done.
Sue – I love you. I will never be able to thank you enough for this. Enjoy your bed, your later mornings AND your Wiggle-free drives to the office. We’ll both miss seeing you every morning!
I’m so very happy for you, Sweets!! I know the whole situation wasn’t ideal, but it sure sounds like your family loves you a heap, girl. This is such a wonderful thing!! And now you have a new house too?! Wooooooooot! Onwards and upwards!!
Wow – look at all of the wonderful things that came out of such a craptastic situation! I’m so glad you’re home and doing well…
Ok… you made me cry! Amazing to have such wonderful family Sara! I think that Sue and Scotty will miss you even if they don’t tell you. I can’t wait to see my sister this summer – it’s been almost a year!!