Food cravings are interesting. According to Marcia Pelchat, a sensory psychologist at Monell Chemical Senses Center in Philadelphia who studies food cravings, 90 to 100 percent of women aged 18-35 report having them. For the most part our cravings fall into two categories; sweet or salty.
Why choose between sweet and salty when you can have both? Ironic that I wrote a few weeks ago about the fact that most studies find that most Canadians consume far more salt in their daily diet than recommended, but everything in moderation, I say. One hot trend I’m seeing this holiday season is the mix of sweet and salty in our treats.
I noticed it first with this piece of bliss…
Aaaah, Starbucks Salted Caramel Signature Hot Chocolate, your name is as long as my love for you. Thank goodness you are limited edition because if you stayed on the menu into the new year my new year’s resolutions would involve a lot more cardio. It’s a hot chocolate for grownups, with the tasty addition of salt around the rim. Consider it a winterized margarita.
Then someone popped one of these into my mouth…
PC Dark Chocolate Covered Caramels with Sea Salts satisfy all my cravings and weigh in at just 80 calories each. They’re an amazing mix of milky caramel enrobed in dark chocolate and sprinkled with coarse salt. Please pass me another.
In this season of diametric extremes (the simple joy of the holidays combined with the complex stress of them), mix a couple of diametric flavours to satisfy all of your cravings and try some salty with your sweet.
Blogs are good for every one where we get lots of information for any topics nice job keep it up !!!
hi Christina, thanks for the sharing of valued information.
I feel so much better since you posted this because no one understands my salty-sweet cravings. Now, I have scientific proof that I’m not weird! And I can’t wait to try the lovely delights you posted.
One way I found to combine my salty-sweet cravings is a trip to Chocolate Heaven. They make the best grill cheeses with your choice of low-fat cheeses, and the best, melt-in-your-mouth, eye-balls-rolling-back-into-your-head chocolate cake. A perfect lunch on a cheat day, for those who are on a diet.
Here’s the review where I found this place:
Awaiting my next craving,
Christina 🙂
I LOVE Starbuck’s chocolate covered caramel pretzel. I’m all about sweet and salty!