Motherhood is a joyous thing (most of the time anyways!). But as we all know, our bodies never quite look the same after we have children. In addition, most of us are faced with the added burden of extra pregnancy pounds. We are tired, hormonal, have less time to ourselves, and body parts that were once rather perky are now beyond saggy … sorry, I digress!!!
As a mother of 3, I have experienced all those things. And as a personal trainer, all of my female clients have experienced those things. But by far the most common complaint I get as a personal trainer is “how can I get rid of THIS??!!!” (said while pinching stomach rolls!) There really is nothing worse than when your pants feel so tight, you have to undo the top button so you can breathe. Been there, done that.
The goal is to get your core muscles strong enough so they act as a natural girdle. Your posture will improve, you will stand taller and your clothes will fit you better. The beauty of this mini workout is that it takes only 10 minutes and can be done anywhere. A healthy core not only looks and feels better, it helps to prevent lower back pain and hamstring injuries. If you are a runner, a strong core helps to stabilize the pelvis when running. When you have weak abs, you tire out quickly and the pelvis becomes less stable thereby increasing the risk of injury.
Think about how many times in a day you use your core and back. Picking up your baby, putting toys away, picking up your husband’s dirty laundry off the floor. We are caregivers! Runner or not, it doesn’t matter. As mothers, we must do what we can to stay strong and healthy. We are ultimately responsible for our own health.
Below are 4 simple yet effective exercises that help to tighten and strengthen the core muscles. This workout targets all core muscles (upper and lower abdominals, obliques and the lower back).
No equipment is needed. Complete 2 sets of each exercise. Do 3 times a week for maximum results.
The Plank
The Plank: Start on your stomach, and raise yourself into a pushup position with your weight balanced on your forearms and toes. Keep your back as straight as possible. Head down. Inhale through nose, as you exhale contract your abs so your tummy goes in. Hold for 1 minute and maintain proper form. Do 2 sets.
Double Crunch: Lie on your back with your hands behind your head. Knees at 90 angle and ankles crossed and relaxed Elbows wide. Crunch up with upper body and at the same time, bring knees to chest. As you crunch up, exhale and contract abs. Keep a big space between your chin and chest to avoid straining your neck. Keep tummy flat throughout exercise. Do 20 times. 2 sets.
Bicycle: Lie on your back with hands behind your head. Elbows back. Bring knees up to 90 degree angle. Inhale through your nose, exhale and contract abs as you bring right armpit towards left knee in a cycling motion. Extend right leg out and simulate cycling motion with legs. Beginners, kick legs towards sky. The lower to the ground your legs bicycle, the harder your abs work. Repeat other side. Do 20 times. 2 sets.
SuperWoman: Lie on your stomach on floor with arms outstretched above head. Forehead remains on floor. Lift opposite arm and opposite leg at same time slightly off the floor and hold for a count of 3. Release. Repeat other arm & leg. Do 10 times. 2 sets.
Now is the time to start strengthening your core. And all it takes is 10 minutes 3 times a week for a stronger, healthier you. Everyone has to start somewhere. Why not now?
Good luck ladies! Email me with any questions you may have and let me know if there are any topics you want to discuss in future columns. Thanks to those of you who have already contacted me. Keep up the good work!
P.S. Well done Jen on your first 10 km race! You have inspired many. What’s the next challenge? (I always say if you can run a 10 km, you can run a half-marathon!!!)
Susan is a Toronto based Personal Trainer and mom to 3 boys. Her Fitness column will appear monthly on Please email questions to Susan at or post in the comments below.
Disclaimer: The information in this fitness column is designed to help you make informed decisions about your health. It is not intended as a substitute for the advice or treatment of a physician. Always consult with a physician before embarking on a new exercise program. In no way will or Pursuit Personal Training be responsible for any injuries or problems that might occur due to the use of this website or the advice contained within. Optimal health is achieved by combining sensible nutrition with consistent strength training and cardiovascular exercise.
Congratulations on taking steps to better health. That first step is the hardest part!
For beginners, here is a modified core mimi-workout:
(1) Plank – as is but from the knees
(2) Reverse Crunch – same as double crunch but lower body only. Bring knees to chest as you exhale and flatten your abs (head on floor and palms on floor beside you)
(3) Bicycle – as is but upper body only. Feet firmly planted on the floor and knees bent.
(4) Superwoman – as is
Let me know how you like these modifications.
Remember, start out with only 1 set of each exercise. Take as many breaks as you need. As you progress, complete 2 sets of each exercise.
Good luck and keep in touch!!!
Hi Susan,
Is there a modified version of any of these exercises? I am at Weight Watchers trying to lose (gulp) 100lbs and I tried these and they are way too tough. I know it sounds pathetic but at least I am trying! Any advice for a true beginner?
This area of my current exercise routine has been sadly lacking and I have been brewing for weeks about what to do for my abs. And here is my answer– Thank you. I really like the video clips showing how to do the exercises correctly. I’ve tried all 4 exercises and have a very LONG way to go to work up to the suggested number of reps! But now I’ve got something to work towards; all in 10 minutes, 3 times a week. Thanks!
A 1/2 Marathon, Susan?! Hahaha! Not likely.
Just tried the Plank…man that’s hard!