I have always wanted to know what McDonald’s thinks of the claims made in the movie Super Size Me. This guy got really sick eating McDonald’s food. What do they have to say about that?
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So I thought I would toss in my two cents here.
I worked at McDonalds for three years as a manager, and it was by far the healthiest time of my life. I was on my feet for 8-12 hours a day, running back and forth, I burnned a lot of calories. As managers we got free food, and yes, I did eat Big Macs and fries, but I mostly decided to eat more of the healthy food options (salads with lo-cal/fat dressing, fajitas, cranberry-orange muffins, parfaits, and most importantly, water).
While I worked there I dropped 22 lbs, then maintained a healthy weight for the remainder of my three years. I was able to get rid my medications for my health issues, and took up running, an activity that I hated with every fibre of my being.
As much as people bad mouth McDonalds I have to say that they provided me with wise food options, a fantastic job, great perks, and the ability to get my health in check. I was and still am very proud to have worked for them, four years after moving on.
And as for the Supersize Me movie, as they say in Hollywood, Any publicity is good publicity.
I know, I know me again… but here is a interesting story about a man in Edmonton who ate only McDonalds for 30 days, with completely different results than the movie!
“With three days left on his McDonald’s-for-a-month diet, Les Sayer says he’s feeling just fine. What’s more, his pants are a little looser.
Since Feb. 1 — when the Norquest science teacher started his experiment to prove that Morgan Spurlock’s Super Size Me was biased — he has eaten three square (pun intended) McDonald’s meals a day, supplemented by a fiber pill, a multivitamin and regular exercise.
“I think I’ve only had five salads the whole time I’ve been on this diet– (but) that’s more salads than I had last year.” He laughs. “It took being on a McDonald’s diet to eat lots of salads, for me.”
“I think if people are able to eat whatever they want and counter it with exercise, it’s going to lead to a healthier and happy life.””
source: The Edmonton Journal, Sat 26 Feb 2005, Page: D9
After a little further research here is some info on this question:
Firstly, here is an exert from McDonalds official press release dated July 22, 2004
“This movie is not about McDonald’s — it’s all about personal responsibility and one individual’s decision to act irresponsibly. He chose to eat 5,000 calories a day – twice the recommended level for adult males – and deliberately limit his exercise, as a gimmick to make a film.”
Secondly, I am sure anyone could at stay home for a month, not exercise, double their calorie intake and experience the same adverse affects as this actor… no McDonalds needed! Just one week at Christmas with my family can be a disaster. And, most “reasonable” adults will stop stuffing their face before they become violently ill.
Furthermore, even before this movie appeared McDonalds made some very conscious efforts to offer healthier choices to fills its customers requests. I remember studying (in University) McDonalds pizza launch in the late 1980s… yes, way back then people wanted healthier choices. And, in 2002 McDonalds was already offering a healthier choice menu… customers want it, McDonalds offers it. And, as per my visits, menu development at McDonalds is a minimum 2 years process, that was long before this movie came around!
My feeling is that anyone who radically changes their diet quickly is going to see adverse effects. Also, eating out anywhere for every meal is a bad idea unless you are extremely vigilant about fat, calories, and portion size. McDonald’s seems to take the bulk of the heat on this because they are so big but imagine eating at any restaurant for every meal??
ditto to laura
We all want to indulge or treat the kids from time to time. I always thought McDonalds was a wise option and after tis past year I know it is an awesome option… quality can not be beaten!
I had to comment on this one! This topic was actually brought up on a few different occasions in which I am sure the other mom’s remember. I believe that if someone such as “said guy” eats Mcdonald’s or any other “fast food” three times a day for an extended amount of time they are going to incur health issues. When you really think about it a lot of us actually feel sick if we drink water that we’re not used to as well. Our bodies react differently to all foods. I highly doubt that if someone ate three times a day at McDonalds and made healthier choices that they would have the same issues. Yogourt for breakfast…salad for lunch and hello chicken fahitas or grilled chicken snack wrap for supper…if someone wants to take on the challenge?lol…in all seriousness I saw the movie, it freaked me out so I investigated and got some facts. I don’t eat at Mcdonalds three times a day but I do take my family there often and we are all healthy and active people so I guess it’s something we all need to think about.
Mcdonalds stands by their restaurants and the fact that they do offer healthy choices as well. They have never claimed that all of their menu items are low fat…not everyone wants low fat so all they stand by is that they continue to evolve and accomodate their customers.