It’s been a busy week around here and I haven’t had much time to post or surf but I did find this gem. Get ready to laugh. It really reminder me of a couple of books a friend of mine gave me years ago. Bigfoot: Me Not Dead and Me Write Book: It Bigfoot Memoir, by Graham Roumieu. They are clever and silly and really, really funny.
This site, Hyperbole and a Half is hilarious. Allie creates art using Paintbrush and writes stories that reflect on all aspects of life. They are very funny precisely because I can identify with the situations and the posts highlight the absurdity of life. Here are a few of my favourites.
The Awkward Situation Survival Guide. Everyone needs this guide to get them through situations like the awkward silence or saying something politically incorrect to someone who finds it offensive. Bap!
7 Things You Can Do With a Brick. Nuff said.
And my current favourite, Sneaky Hate Spiral, about a very, very, bad day involving the dreaded circle of death several times. Things that make you want to punch someone in the face. Just do it!
I have had every awkward situation! I love this blog! It is my life!
love these!