It’s 10pm and my kids are sleeping. My husband is at work, and I have….FREE TIME! The good little angel on my shoulder tells me I should be doing one of the following:
a) sleeping. God knows I’m sleep-deprived and have been for years.
b) reading. something that would better my mind or actually teach me something about the world or current events. since I’ve had kids, I can barely communicate on issues outside the domestic realm.
c) catching up on some taped shows on my PVR. Don’t you know I’ve been dying to watch Mad Men, but for some reason it seems to require too much effort?
d) getting on that treadmill. there it sits in all its unused glory right next to me as I type this post. I know that some day I will use it regularly….that motivation will arise from somewhere within me – it’s just not happening today.
Okay, that’s a few suggestions from my conscience as to what I could be doing to improve my brain/body/soul. However, I choose none of those. Instead, like it happens so frequently, I get sucked into the Internet, wandering from site to site, Facebook, some blogs, NY Times, and all of a sudden its midnight and I barely have the energy to wander up my basement stairs. Does this happen to you? Do you feel the Web is stopping you from doing other, more important things?
*sigh* I am with you on this one, Amreen. Like the addiction it is, I get drawn into reading blogs, downloading music, following news stories, “window” shopping (is there a term for window shopping online?), Facebooking or just corresponding via old, faithful email.
This happens to me DAILY. Although, I have to say, my PVR comes first 😉 Sleep, however, is disturbingly far down on the list.