“Was it just me, or did everyone but us look really old at that party?”
“Does my ass look big in these jeans?”
“Do I look any different to you then I did when I was in my 20’s?”
“Is that dessert fattening?”
“Am I too drunk to drive?”
“Am I your first?”
“Am I the best?”
“Do I look tired?’
“Can you tell I like him/her?’
“Did I overreact?”
“Are you wearing underwear?”
“Have you had work done?”
“Should I have work done?”
“when are you having that baby?” (and the child is in grade1)
“Do you really want me to bring you flowers?”
“You don’t really go for all that romantic stuff do you?”
what have I missed?
Sheesh … some people say there is no such thing as a stupid question. But if that’s true, then what kind of questions do stuipid people ask?
I like twice blessed! Very good!
@Erin, to those who have said “double trouble” to me, I would say, “actually, I’m twice blessed.” Have you ever had this one? “Who was born first?” Like really, it matters?
@Nancy, I’m going to try out the different father answer!
“WOW, did you *plan* that” said with lots of raised eyebrows when people see me with my 18 month old son about to have baby number two.
Wendy: LMAO, “Are they identical for boy/girl twins!”, also LMAO at Nancy’s response….that would be funny!
I get “Are they twins?” all the time. And mine are identical.
This isn’t a question but I hear it all the time from strangers and it bugs me: “Double trouble” – FU to those who say that!
“When are you due?” I usually wait until I am sure the Mom is in the third trimestre to ask that one.
I dare you to say- no, different father.
More regarding my twins:
Q: “Are they identical?”
R: “No. One is a boy, the other is a girl.”
Q: “But are they identical?”
what about “vaginal delivery?” from a complete stranger .
Are your twins natural?
I am pretty sure this is much better than “do you have grandkids?” It means they think you are having passionate sex without thinking! I’d go with that !
OK…comment from waitress to my sister and father, who were out for dinner this week,
“Are you celebrating your anniversary?”
hahaha omg jen! I had this bitchy older society woman once look me up and down at an event and say ‘well, you certainly are tall.’ in an awful tone…and I said ‘wow…and you certainly are observant’….
This isn’t a question but I get it far too often:
“Wow. You are tall!”
What does one say to that? ‘Cause really, this is not a surprise to me. Can you imagine me saying to someone, “Wow. You are short!” Uh-huh.
“So when are you going to have kids?” to the new and newly divorced woman in the office (which is me!)…
Sara-almost as funny as me Sara- I knew I could count on you!! keep digging I know you have more-xn
What’s your name again?
that is a particularly bad one…
Where do you think this is going?
Is that your grandpa? (oops said that one once…doh)