After three excruciatingly long weeks, my husband is back from his business trip to South America! It is beyond lovely to have him home again, and while he was away I truly realized all the things he does, both tangible and emotional, to keep our house running, and that it all kind of fell apart when he left.
My pride was a little bruised, since I initially thought, “I am often on my own with the kids anyways, while he works all those long hours…how rough could it be?!” but as you know, pride goeth before a fall and I had come completely unhinged one day after he was gone. Granted, there were extra-awful challenges thrown my way, like a FAMILY-WIDE case of head lice that left me in the most overwhelmed state of my parenting career thus far, tummy bugs, fevers, coughs, night terrors and generally crappy attitudes (mine and the kids). But still. It showed me that Steve is such an anchor for us and we were a boat adrift in a tsunami wave without him.
I don’t know about you, but I sometimes find marriage hard: two people with vastly different ideas about how life ought to be lived, trying their best to meet in the middle while throngs of their offspring bite at their ankles. It’s easy to focus on ways your spouse could improve, and things they could do more of or better. But with Steve having been gone for so long, I have a new appreciation for all the things he does. And I don’t want to forget that.
He’s a good one. And he’s home!

you survived, Amanda! Why aren’t there brownie badges for big girls? You deserve one. Lice made me want to leave town permanently.
So nice you appreciate your guy the way you do!!I bet he does you too.
Marriage is very hard when the hubby’s are gone! I can totally appreciate that! Glad he is back:)
Such a sweet tribute to a great sounding (and very fortunate) guy! I’m glad he’s back safe and sound and that you’ve got your anchor back.
that big wind i felt must have been a huge sigh of relief 🙂
glad to hear he’s home safe and you will be enjoying a long weekend at the spa of your choice surrounded by firefighters serving you wine, hors d’oeuvers etc…..
I find it so important to remember all the good things (it’s too easy to pick at the bad stuff) and to be kind and grateful every day with your spouse. It’s the glue that holds things together.
Hooray for homecomings!!