Hey ladies….have you ever tried peeing standing up? I’m about to give it a shot in order to show my kid how it’s done. But I think since boys have ‘peanuts’ and girls have ‘ginas’ – I’m not even sure that would work. You see, Will is hell bent on standing and peeing. The issue? It’s not really something that is coming naturally. This was one of my fears when it came to having a boy without a dad – it couples with shaving and ummmm the morning … you know. These are all things that I’m not going to be well versed at showing or explaining!
Will dropped trou in a friends backyard and after haphazardly peeing all over his legs, my friends husband jumped up and gave his butt a little push forward to help him along. It helped. Later that night, he figured out if he grabbed the end of his penis, he could make a high arching pee rainbow. Fantastic…the sword fighing is next. It is sort of hilarious to see him figure this all out. We’re just going to take it one day at a time.
One thing that he has for SURE figured out is that he doesn’t have a dad. Overheard in the playground this weekend….
Little Boy – Hey where is your daddy??
Will – I no have a daddy.
Little Boy – Yes you do – that is my daddy. Where is your daddy?
Will – I no have a daddy. (yelling at top of his lungs). HEY MOM – I NO HAVE A DADDY RIGHT? RIGHT? I NO HAVE A DADDY.
Yes my boy. You don’t have a daddy and now every family in High Park is explaining to thier kid why….. and we’re feeding ducks and having an awesome time!
people were arguing this over at the puntz website. it was starting to become a heated battle.
LOL The games boys will play in the bathroom! Although my guys have a dad he isn’t here enough or here when the things like peeing and yes the morning issue needs to be addressed – who has to explain it all? me! My oldest boy is turning 12 and has decided that he is in charge of explaining what the morning is all about. Wonderful. My younger guy likes to wipe after peeing, and another likes to sit – go figure:) You are doing a great job!
Throw a few cheerios into the bowl and explain ‘target practice’…works like a charm! I also quickly learned that handing him a wipe to clean any, well, overages works wonders, too…it’s amazing how quickly they learn that it is easier to aim properly than it is to have to clean up at the end! 🙂
I love the outdoor voice with the private stuff, Sara. Honestly kids keep us honest.
I am loving all these comments! You see – being single I didn’t have to worry about any of this…all over now! I just have to teach the kid to put the seat down in the future.
I thought I had the only sitter-downer! My son (7) also prefers to sit, even though his dad never does. I don’t argue, except to say in gross public bathrooms (like the one he has to use as school – ew!) he should stand.
As I was…
i, for one, am quite blessed to be married to a “sitter”. i think it’s fantastic that the spray factor has been reduced to zero! if you are also teaching him to put the lid down when he’s finished you will have an eternally grateful daughter in law one day 🙂
Mia tried peeing standing up after she saw a boy doing it at the daycare. She’s in the sr. toddler room where they have a dedicated bathroom just for them. It didn’t go so well and the toilet seat fell on her chest. I’m pretty sure it can be done from a woman’s perspective of facing the wall. Good luck with that though. Maybe bring in one of your male friends to give Will a lesson. To make it fun for yourself, get one of the guys who doesn’t have kids. That would be fun all around. Keep us posted.
I always taught the stand up, but I also was the “fruit loop” mom to teach the aim..
OK hit the blue one!! sink it! yeahhhh.!!! I also say lysol wipes in every bathroom, because this alien type wiggle monster takes over a boys body when they have to stand still… they have to giggle, shake it, turn it, examine it and walk away before the dribble ends…
Mostly, the boys in our house pee sitting down. They prefer it. And? I love that there’s less mess…
He’ll do it when he wants to. Until then, make paper towels your best friend. 😉
I say let it just happen. You may have to just put up with wiping up driddle puddles for a while. My boys both started sitting down then eventually stood. Easier to stand in public washrooms. They learned that. I would sometimes have to show them how to guide the pee in. “hold your penis up…not too high…point the pee pee into the water.”
They are now 8.5 and 10 and I still am wiping up driddle everyday. *sigh*
I would hazard a guess that Cuyler is the tidiest pee’er of the boys.
And. I actually had this conversation one morning a few weeks ago:
Me: “can you not pee directly into the water???”
Boy: “not when I have an erection I can’t!”
Good times…
Those are the things that I explained just because the convo came up when when dad wasn’t around. Erections (he asked about that when he was 3) and sex (he asked about that last year). I had the pleasure of having those conversations with Cam. It was fine actually.
You’ll do great!!
Take comfort: Even with a full-time, live-in, happily married Number One Dad, my three year old son can’t pee standing up. He’s been potty trained since about 15 months and STILL prefers to sit and “do the poke” instead of standing up and rocking his hips forward (as his father has demonstrated for him a thousand or so times by now). I’ve tried bribery, begging, cheerio “targets”, and peer pressure. No sale. I mean, except for that one time he stood up and peed on his best friend….