The theme of the day is spinning!
Had my first spin class, lasted 25 minutes and crotch hurts so much can hardly sit down!
The Gaffer will only wear clothes that twirl, aka spin…makes for interesting morning dress time.
Tonight is parent-teacher interviews for my school, tomorrow is Mr. Husband’s birthday, Neil Young tickets for Massey Hall are even sold out at the scalper level and there is not a Guitar Hero III in all of the city of Toronto…so the wheels of my tires are spinning as loudly as my brain as I rush around trying to get gifts that are elusive and the necessary dinner feast…which includes cheese fondue (which makes my stomach spin – yuck! and a Harry Potter Cake, chosen from Baskin and Robbins by the Gaffer!)
Final spin? The one around the house looking for the MIA digital camera with 200 pictures of the summer still on it that have not been unloaded so I can include pictures here, alas…no luck!
PS – 24 days, no internet…spinning deep into the vortex of no return…aaaaahhhhhhh!
I want to go spinning too! In fact, you inspired me to try a class next week. The sore crotch thing kind of scares me. Can I just hover over the seat without actually sitting on it?
Spin class?! Perhaps one day I’ll have the courage to participate with you… Love your colours.
LOL, I pity the fool who takes a spin class!! Yoga’s much more civilized.
As for 24 days with no internet, wow. That is truly a drought!
I also know what you mean about days when you are just spinning, spinning, spinning. Mine usually involve impending guests and a messy house 😉
Apparently, it true rookie fashion, I started with the hardest class. The workout is really great, but really brutal. The hardest part though is staying on the seat. I’m going back, but I’m going to wear bike shorts!
I can feel it, Elizabeth. That whirlpool ready to envelope me at anytime. Stay strong! You can fight it 😉 As for the sore crotch? Something only time can heal. Btw, was spinning hellish??