Today I feel stupid. People are asking me questions I can’t answer. I have been asked to make decisions about things I don’t fully understand. I am taking risks that are freaking me out. I am sure it will all work out (crossing fingers) and, I think, be fabulous but right now…and for the last few days…I am FREAKING OUT.
In case I haven’t mentioned it we are redesigning Yup, front and backend total reno. SO exciting. SO many new capabilities. SO all consuming and stressful.
Haven’t slept much lately. Am vacilating between the verge of tears and hysterical laughter. Needless to say neither is appropriate. So tell me why I cried my EYES OUT when I saw these:
Beautiful? Definitely. Awe inspiring? For sure. Humbling? No doubt. Tear jerker? Umm…not exactly. Jeesh. I am glad I’m hanging out with my pals and a glass of wine tonight.
Btw, for those of you wondering, these pics are not shot in my urban Toronto ‘hood but up in the Beaver Valley in front of my parent’s place. Nice.
Lovely photos!
Some times are just HARD. I think that this is a bad time of year for many people – too many months of not quite enough sun and the feeling that winter might just last forever this time.
Ooohhh, can’t wait to see the redesign! When’s it going live?
don’t worry, Jen. it’s going to be GREAT.
You got this far making decisions Jen, and that says a lot. Just look at this amazing community you have built! It only gets better. Don’t know the answer…say so. We can’t always know the answer – it we did we would have nothing to learn.