So, your kids’ backpacks are organized, their agendas are signed, all forms have been filled out and tomorrow’s lunch is in the fridge.
Now: what are you going to have for dinner?
That’s right…just when you think you’ve got it all under control, a chorus of voices echoes out: “we’re hungry! What’s for dinner?” Well if you’re like me, a fair number of days the answer will be either something delivered or something from the freezer. But with a little bit of forethought, you don’t have to freak out at the last minute (after all, you can only have breakfast for dinner so many times!). Here are some tips I’ve found to be helpful for getting a nutritious dinner on the table quickly and without too much stress.
By this I don’t mean by out your local supermarket’s stock of Delissio pizzas. I mean make some meals, or elements of meals ahead and store them in your freezer. All it takes is an extra hour or two on the weekend and you’ll save yourself time, energy and heartache at dinnertime. Most Sundays I make one large meal like a lasagna, and then I prepare the elements of some other meals. For example, I’ll cook up a dozen small meatballs and freeze them: then making spaghetti dinner is a much quicker proposition.
Another time-saving tip that I’ve found is to chop certain veggies on the weekend (the day I buy them) and then store them in the fridge, ready to go at mealtime. Chopped peppers are great in salads, chopped onions and lettuce are great for taco night. I know many people don’t like to pre-chop their produce because it can oxidize and turn brown, but I’ve found that if you store it in an airtight plastic container it keeps pretty well for several days.
And if, despite your planning and prep, you still find yourself scrambling to put together a meal on a weeknight, don’t beat yourself up if you just can’t get it together. One of the most important things to remember is to forgive yourself and keep going. So, if you come home from work dog-tired and the chorus of “what’s for dinner!” is already ringing in your ears, it’s okay to wave the white flag once in a while and go for takeout. Or hey, why not put that free workforce to the test and ask the kids to make dinner?
Oh, and be sure to keep a bottle of wine handy to enjoy with that kid-cooked meal…you’re going to need it!
Interesting! I thought that was Natalie Portman in the ads! I have a small decant of this coming my way. Looking forward to trying it. And all of you who have colds hope you get better! I was at the dealer having my car repaired yesterday, and a guy in the waiting room was coughing and sneezing up a lung. It will be a miracle if I don’t get sick. I’m praying not as I’m leaving on vacation in a week. Nothing worse than being sick on vacation!!!
yes Sunday afternoon if I am not working I defintely cook a meal or two X2 to freeze to prepare for the week.
great idea to remember the part of the meal cooked and frozen like meatballs.
I keep fresh cut veggies in a jug of cold water in the fridge. This keeps them crisp and fresh for longer. That way my kids can just go and grab some carrots or peppers and crunch away! Great idea.
I always cook one big thing on the weekend and freeze the leftovers. This is so essential to my week! We use these leftovers in a pinch at least once or twice a week.
“What’s for dinner”? is the dreaded question I fear each night. My youngest daughter is so picky and doesn’t like most food. I must admit that I often end up preparing a separate meal for her. I’m encouraged that she has begun to try new foods. Hopefully as she matures she will broaden the foods she enjoys or she will be forced to cook her own separate meals.
I am so terrible about being organized ahead of time! I love the veggie idea, though. I think this way the kids would help themselves. Great ideas!