I’ve discovered how to motivate myself: GO SHOPPING!
My sister was in town last week, and we skived off on a meeting and went shopping instead! My goal was to find something nice to wear to the Mom’s Night Out event next month. Well, what I found blew my mind and has the added bonus of boosting my motivation by a big, big, BIG notch!
Here’s a pic of me in my new getup:
When I tried it on, I just knew it was the one! Even before I looked in the mirror, it felt so good, I knew I had to have it. Then I looked in the mirror, and fell in love. In love with the dress and in love with my new body! Then good ol’ sis found these amazing shoes, and that was the clincher.
But the motivation? Well that came when I took off the dress. And saw the tag. Size: SMALL. Yup…picked up a size small dress mistakenly placed on a hanger with a medium tag. I considered trying on the medium, instead, but my sis reminded me of some good advice (originally from Katie, of the Style File): when in doubt, go with the smaller size. So I did, and I’m thrilled!
Well, it was right back on the wagon BIG TIME for me, after seeing how good I have the potential to look. Now all I need is to get rid of that last 15 pounds. And again, it was sis who held the key to how: EXERCISE.
You know, I knew eventually it would come back to that! Exercise. I was soooo good about it in the beginning…I would do yoga every day, go to the gym, run or walk – I even used to flop down in the grass and do crunches when supervising the splash pool in my back yard last summer. But since winter hit, you’d think I was hibernating or something! So, the Hubster and my sis dragged by butt out to the gym on Friday evening, and I ran for 30 minutes on the treadmill. Without stopping. And you know what? It wasn’t that hard. In fact, it felt great! I watched a home decorating show, sweated off some calories, and managed to clock 3.2 miles. Not exactly sprinting, was I? But the important thing is that it was a start. It’s amazing how much easier it is to do cardio (like running, for example) when you weigh 50 pounds less. And that accomplishment was so motivating that I headed out for a run again today. Love! It was exhilarating, relaxing…addicting! I’m planning to do it again on Wednesday and Friday, and I’m going to sign up for a 5k run this summer, too!
If I keep it up, I just might look even better in this dress by the time Mom’s Night Out rolls around. YESSSS!!!
You look great in your dress! Congrats on your achievement! Coming from someone whose currently fighting to win her pre-baby body back, i know the struggle and I commend you for your will power and determination! As for a size small, I don’t even know what to say – to quote Paula Abdul on American Idon – you rock!!
What can I say but congratulations on acheiving your goal. You were a great person when I met you and you still are…okay…your smaller…doesn’t change anything for me except now you we can share clothes (not that we would.lol) If you feel good you will always look good is what my mom always said to me. Keep the feeling and the rest will follow.
OMIGOSH OMIGOSH OMIGOSH!!! LOOK AT YOU!!!! Don’t sit next to me at mom’s night out, kay? Because you look way too skinny! 😉
OMIGOSH OMIGOSH OMIGOSH!!! LOOK AT YOU!!!! Don’t sit next to me at mom’s night out, kay? Because you look way too skinny! 😉
Holy Hotness! I’m looking forward to hearing how the running goes and whether you are able to stay motivated. Good luck!
Wow!! That is incredible. You look amazing and what great suggestions. Great motivation for all of us.
Kath, you look totally HOT!