Hi Gorgeouses!
Josh just got back from a business trip in Dallas. How glam…. I’ve been going solo here for a few days now, and, man, I’m beat. Not to mention the fact that the monkey has a brutal cold. Snot everywhere. Poor little thing. How does one get sticky snot out of hair in the morning?
check it!!!
Did you see Jayden in the vid? Really hard to spot him, but he’s there. Here’s a picture (well, two) — a little grainy, but it and the video are proof enough for me that, a) Britney’s back to work and her dancing is fiiiine, and b) Jayden is real and out-of-hiding.
Photo and vid, with thanks, c/o X17 Online.
There’s a reason Tyra has a talk show. The woman loves to TALK. But, at least now she has something important and useful and really pretty awesome to talk about. And, I might even watch the show to see what that "one thing" is that she has to say to us….
Hudson tells the latest issue of Essence that, "On American Idol, you go through this mental thing; you’ve got
to get yourself back together. You’ve been abused, misled and
brainwashed to believe whatever they want you to think….You become a character — I became the girl in the turkey
wrapping [because Simon said, "You look like you should be something you should wrap a turkey
in"]. I just knew I had to sing my way out of it. I don’t
believe in looking back, and I didn’t look back." (qtd. from Star)
No surprises there. No one has come out of Idol singing its praises…. By the way, rumours that Courtney Love is replacing Paula on the show are said to be false. THANK THE LORD!
Apparently, these two are LOVING it up in Hawaii, and they want us all to know it. Denise loooves the paparazzi. She better not hold onto him so tight, though….Ouch!
Photo, with thanks, c/o X17 Online.
Daniel Radcliffe is now starring in the play Equus. Look at him all growed up and playing an erotic adult role…. Ew. I could subject you to more pics of the play’s publicity pics — say, the one of Radcliffe posing half-naked with a gorj white horse — but I’ll spare you.
Photo, with thanks, c/o Splash News Online.
Don’t get too excited, Gorgeouses…. Apparently, Reese and Ryan didn’t speak to each other at all throughout the play, and they came and left separately.
Pics and scoop, with thanks, c/o FlynetOnline.com.
Omigosh, Violet is ADORABLE! And, look at Jen! She looks like such a stay-at-home-mom! And, that’s a compliment! LOVES IT!
Photo, with thanks, c/o X17 Online.
Jessica Biel and Justin Timberlake are ON, BABY! According to US Magazine, Justin bailed on the January 24 afterparty for the premiere of his new movie, Black Snake Moan, at the Sundance Film Festival to spend the night with Biel! Biel apparently flew in that night to stay with her man at a "$1,950-a-night, four-bedroom
condo at the Trail’s End Lodge in nearby Deer Valley." Hotttt!
Photo, with thanks, c/o Splash News Online.
I repeat, how disturbing is Y&R right now!?! Do y’all want to hear about how Victoria Beckham has banned size-0 models from her runway? Check it here! I haven’t watched Grey’s yet, so I can’t comment — but, here’s a spontaneous idea!, PLEASE feel free to leave your own commentary of the show in the comments. I’m sure I’ll have watched it by the time you comment, so we can all jump in and have a convo about it. What say you? Feel free.
Talk to me in the comments. I’m there. Love.
Come visit me at The Cheaty Monkey, and see what I don’t like about being a stay-at-home-mom. LOVE! xo Haley-O.
Good for Reese & Ryan, for the kids. I’m not thinking that’s a good pic of Violet… Glad to see JJ is alive & well!! Tyra, yea for her! Justin’s still seeing someone else, too, I hear – canNOT remember who. Alyssa Milano! Heard that yesterday… Richie’s looking ewww lately – yucka. He used to be so “all that”…
JEFF — still haven’t watched it!!!
ALI — I think she looks even MORE adorable! Gorj!
LAV — I dunno? Derek Jeter? I’m not sure that he has a better rep than Justin. At least Justin is a “relationship guy”, you know? I would HATE to see Courtney Love on Idol. It would be such a bad move for them. Swapping one drunk/druggy for another?
LAV — good for Vic, indeed. But, um, have you seen HER lately? Seems a tad hypocritical and perhaps a PR move to boost sales/popularity….
JILL — Tyra does annoy me…. But, I totally respect what she’s doing. She’s definitely a rare voice in Hollywood right now. Great role model.
GAB — I missed the show….dammit! It must have been good if it brought tears to your eyes, though!
CHRIS — Ouch is RIGHT!!! I can hardly look at him!!
DREA — Ha! you watched that whole video! Pretty boring, huh? Interesting to see her rehearse, though. She’s still got the moves, it seems. I agree — her hair is EW!! I missed the Tyra show, dammit. Oh well. I have a feeling I know what she talked about. Good for her, yeah. 🙂
I actually watched that entire britney video lol im such a loser 😀
Well maybe not haha.
What is up with her hair though. I mean she looks great after just having a baby… BUT THE HAIR! It looks like she slept on it and hasnt washed it in weeks… or is that the look?
Im going to watch Tyra tomorrow now! I hardly ever watch talk shows but that looks interesting. Good for her!
And I love the Jennifer pic w/ Violet.
Ritchie isn’t looking so good. Ouch.
Harry Potter naked?? Ewwww… and to think when I was a teen I had such a crush on Richie..omg..look at him now!!! I happened to catch the Tyra show when she went on and on about her picture in the swimsuit and she actually brought tears to my eyes, I must’ve been hormonal that day!!
Ok, posh is not the good one to talk about size 0, but at least she realise that her model needs to have a more natural look!!
That Daniel has abs too?? Freaky how little boy becomes man!!
Ritchie, you never heard of a little thing call sunscreen??
Way to go girl!! I hope you like Tyra that moment, even if she had the bad habbit of annoying you!!
i just read that article about victoria banning toothpicks from the runway and well good for her.i think i’ll just take her word on it that she doesn’t want to promote ultra skinny dangerous weight sizes to young impressionable girls.whether she has an ulterior motve or not…
glad to see baby jayden is alive and well.i love tyra.she is strong and not afraid of how she looks or what people say about her.that is so great!and by the way i wish i looked as good as her.that would’ve been cool if courtney love was on idol.(I UM WHAT THE &^%$#^&am i mumble mumble …)she would’ve been so entertaining.are you sure that denise isn’t like holding up the old man with her.so he doesn’t fall in the water…at least reese and ryan are being resposible parents to their kids.violet is so sweet.i thought jessica at better taste than justin.
eh…i’m thinking violet affleck…is…dare i say it…not so cute anymore!!
already posted them at the other place: