“Can we have a sleepover?” Those words uttered by your child can change the destiny of your next twenty-four hours. How you answer determines whether you’re housebound with extra kids or footloose and fancy-free.
“Sure, what time should I pick you up in the morning?” means you’ve just saved the cost of a babysitter and you can make dinner reservations and check out the movie listings.
“Yeah, who have you invited over?” means you’re not going anywhere and you’ve got to be prepared for a houseguest who may get homesick, physically sick, or may make you sick!
I’ve hosted my share of sleepovers and been the lucky mom to a hosted kid enough times to offer some advice about sleepovers
Friday! Friday!
Rebecca Black had it right. If you’re thinking of a sleepover, plan it early in the weekend so that your child has enough time to recover from sleep deprivation before heading back to school on Monday.
Be Prepared
If you’ve invited kids over for a sleepover, make sure you’ve got plenty of snacks and breakfast supplies. The last thing you want is to take those extra kids out for an emergency grocery store run.
Watch the Clock
Set clear expectations not only with your kid about what time you want lights out, but also with the other parents about what time you want pick up. Sleepover creepover is what I call it when a sleepover guest is joining you the next day for lunch…and dinner…
Try a Trial Run
There’s no magic age when all kids are ready for a sleepover. If you’re not sure about your own child’s level of independence, try a pseudo-sleepover. Pack up pyjamas, toothbrush and a pillow and let the friends share their bedtime routine, but pick your child up before he actually falls asleep.
Looking for a perfect sleepover bag for your little caller? I was looking for something a little more mature for my 12 year old son and came across this amazing deal at Pottery Barn Teen.
It’s small enough so that you won’t scare the host family when you drop him off, but big enough so that if your son gets invited for an extra night he’s got room for an extra change of clothes! Regularly priced at $74.76, it’s on sale right now for $18.83, and you can order it online.
Hey Jen, we call it a “sleep under” when the kids do all the pre-bed fun but not the actual overnight part. Fun!