Did that just evoke visions of a glistening hard bodied man throwing you down passionately between the sheets?
It would for me except that the kick boxer in my bed is a two year old with the kick of a martial arts master. It used to be a little baby kick, cute little kicky feet easily delt with by simple solutions. A little pillow put between us, redirecting his little limbs, even just using the blanket to create a little barrier would solve the issue. Now, extreme measures may be required. I have a body pillow between us but he can scamper over that seconds into the night. I turn away to avoid a heel to the jaw but with only my backside to thrash at, he has learned to do a sorta side by side scaling up and down my back. A kinda of football rumbling, think “the Maniac” scene in Flash dance but on my back.
I have a queen size bed and I am the only adult in it (sigh) but between my kickboxing tot beside me and my terrier curled up at the end of the bed I feel a wee bit squished. I am a cocooner by nature and for the most part I love being curled up with my little man and furry friend but lately I am losing more sleep then enjoying sweet slumber.
Roman starts out in his bed is happy to stay in it for storytime followed by cuddles until he falls asleep. Every night though, usually around midnight I hear the pitter patter of little feet down the hallway and he crawls into my bed for the rest of the night and the kickmatching event begins.
What do you think Mama’s, do I have to kick out my kickboxer?
I have one of those and almost the same age. I had wanted to sleep with him but his kicking/moving etc was just too much as a baby and thankfully he actually slept better without me. It sounds like a fight is going on in his room every night as he bangs around hitting things in his sleep but it doesn’t seem to phase him. We have shared a room with him a few times in a travel cot and we get no sleep as he is just so noisy!
i started off as a co-sleeper but at three months, i had enough.i don’t care how cute your toes are, get them out of my face! to the baby cage with you! kind of miss snuggling in our bed. they don’t come in at all but i can still go to them…in their single beds 🙂
I have the exact same issue! I keep thinking, I’ll just get up & put her back, but I fall asleep & never do.