Last week, Fiona & Sophie started falling asleep on their own. Prior to that I would lie with them until they were both asleep. Sometimes it would take over an hour. I resented it sometimes because it used up my whole evening. Don’t get me wrong, I love the snuggles and the stories, it’s just that I wouldn’t get out until 9ish and then I had very little time before I had to go to bed in order to rise at 6 am.
Amazingly it wasn’t even that difficult to get them to fall asleep on their own. The first night was the worst, I had to separate them because they were conspiring together about how to get out and stay up late. Fiona was easiest, which was surprising in some ways as she has generally been the more clingy attached of the two. Sophie had to be returned to her bed about 5 billion times before she finally fell asleep. But the next night was easier, it was only 3 or 4 times. And then the next night I didn’t have to do it at all.
They were ready. So was I.
We had a wee regression this weekend because Daddy lay with them one night while I was having a fun girls weekend at the cottage. It wasn’t as bad as the first night though.
They still sleep with me though, I move Sophie into the big bed. I’m not ready for the next step. They say they aren’t either but if I’m not around, they will often sleep all night on their own. I’m still a firm believer in a family bed or co-sleeping. It’s what worked for our family.
Yay Sophie & Fiona. Yay me.
How do your kids fall asleep? Beware of frozen quinoa puree if you criticize my attachment parenting choices. 🙂
This is a very old pic, but I don’t have any recent ones.
so pretty! next time we have drinks I will sing my version of “mamma’s gonna buy you a Mockingbird” It aint pretty but it’s funny
Amanda- you are right – this is the most important part of the whole thing. Very well said
You know, in retrospect, I was a slave to my girls for a few years. I do think that is part of having twins though. It’s really hard. Especially with colic. I have no regrets. In many ways I’m pretty laid back but I did try to keep a routine with them. In fact, one night my friends Anna & Bob came over to take care of them while John and I planned our bedtime routine, right down to which lullaby we would sing. Ha. It didn’t work. But, they love the lullaby still, one of many they adore.
Connemerra Cradle Song – it’s beautiful and worth a listen.
Thank goodness we both dodged the quinoa! It can kill, or worse, maim! 😀
“It’s what worked for our family.”
That’s the key to it all, I say. Good for you for continuing to head in the direction you feel is right for everyone.
*frozen quinoa puree dodged* 🙂
This is an exciting step for all of you Erin. I can imagine it comes with some mixed feelings.
I was religious about bedtime- maybe even fanatical- although when they were little they rose VERY early because I put them to bed so early.
After the bath and picture books and maybe a few very badly sung lullabies, I lay down with them when they were little a bit when needed but generally I would tickle their foreheads or backs until they fell asleep (5-10 minutes). In time I wanted them to teach themselves self comfort. “Mommy I can’t fall asleep”- “that is ok, just relax and enjoy the quiet and you will get there.” etc.
I love my own big girl bed and big girl evening and needed it so much especially then. I wanted to give well when I was giving and then close up shop early to re charge each night.
I admire your tenacity and commitment to this. I am pretty sure I could not have done it.