Scrap booking became a very big creative passion for so many a few years ago. Suddenly people poured over papers and embellishments they way they used to pour over fabrics. The finished products were something to behold-each page a painstaking three dimensional collage of memories, quotes, all in beautiful frames and set into gorgeous backgrounds.
I admired these when they were shown to me-but in the back of my mind I thought-How do these people find the time?
For years I have kept my children’s art work, mementos from special performances they were in, projects they worked hard on, awards etc. They loved pouring over what they did when they were so little. I would throw everything all school year into a box and each summer I
would put the treasures into an album. I did this for a full day every summer- but it was still a quick and dirty approach to scapbooking -a cut and paste and slap into the book.
Not a work of art but a book of memories for them.
Slapbooking, I call it. I highly recommend it for anyone in a hurry.