Our office implemented summer hours this year. Thank you wonderful employer!!! A free afternoon to spend with my child. Bah – I don’t think so! He’s going to be napping for half of it anyway, so I’ve decided, unless we’re in the car heading somewhere, I’m going to selfishly keep those afternoons to myself!
This past Friday, I went to see Babies. Yes, I realize that here in Toronto it was a stunning afternoon but I had already planned it and was psyched. I loved it. I seriously want to move to Mongolia, procreate with a goat farmer and live in a yurt for the next twenty years.
Then, I took all my joyous, post movie self to the pits of hell – aka bathing suit shopping. You’ll probably read a lot this week on UrbanMoms about our upcoming retreat – we are a group of very excited women – and I vowed to find a suit before we take off for Blue Mountain.
Here’s the thing – I have an odd body. My torso is short – like really short. And I’m 5″10 – so my legs make up the most of this height. My friend Jodi is maybe 5″4, sitting down we’re the same height – when we stand up we look like a circus side-show, it’s our party trick! Anyway – because of this, a one piece looks sort of ridiculous and I wasn’t sure about venturing back to the two piece. I stood in the change room with every single underwired bikini top in the store (my dream of post baby boob shrinkage did not take …argh) and thought back to when years ago when my mom and I were in the same store and asked the sales lady for something in a ‘scuba suit variety’ and started giggling.
Then I heard this woman come into the change room and invite her husband in. Huh? Really? He decided to sit in the chair in the hall of the change rooms and one by one, she’d put a suit on and call him over to look at it in her change room. Hey sweets – here’s a hint, if you can’t even come out of the change room with it on, you’re likely not going to want to be cruising the deck at your public pool in it!
A couple minutes later..success! (Yes in a two-piece! Now get me some tanning cream!) and was getting dressed when I heard the woman say, ‘okay I’m done.’ I can admit it, I’m a pathetic, nosy person …so I raced to get dressed. I HAD to catch a look at this couple – I was dying of curiousity.
Dudes – she was TINY!!! Like size-two, ram a burger down her throat tiny! It made me realize, that no matter what size we are, we all have some insecurities about us. I’m going to try and remember this when I have my cover-up on over my bather this weekend and find a slew of excuses to leave it on!
I’ve actually been wondering if pregnancy isn’t the perfect time for me to bust out a two-piece swimsuit. I mean, yeah, I have a big belly … but right now I’m supposed to! The one hitch in this plan is exposing a belly that is even whiter than the already-very-white rest of me!
So true Jen – I’m always big sara…argh – how about blonde sara or something – although my friends kids call me ‘edgy sara’ – I’m down with that one! And I’m also like you – I just spent a sick amount on a bikini bottom…it’s a BOTTOM – it’s underwear…ridiculous!
I did see Shawn’s tweet! I lol’d at that.
Jen – I’m the opposite. I cannot justify spending decent money on a bathing suit for this bod. I’ll be rocking a shitty WalMart get up!
Look out Blue Mountain indeed!
Love the pic! Hilarious. Yes, Christine, I am very tall. 5’11” so watch out 😉
Did you notice even Shawn – the one UrbanMom GUY blogger – tweeted about being all insecure about his paler than pale skin. Obviously everyone has insecurities. Oh, and all you little people, even if you are “skinny fat” you will never, ever get the “big” comment. Even at my skinniest when I was running 4 x per week and rocked the fittest bod in history people would say “Oh yah, Jen. The big one.” That would be TALL folks. They are not interchangeable!
Anyway, I convince myself that I look OK in a bathing suit by buying really expensive ones with crazy expensive wraps. Look out Blue Mountain!
It’s so true Ali – I did an outward bound mountain climbing trek a few years ago and at the end we hit up this amazing mountain stream. I suggested we all go swimming but no one had suits, so I talked everyone into skinny dipping…we did and, this may sound weird, it was fascinating – we all lay on rocks after and dried out and realized how different all our bodies were – 12 women from 25 – 55; all different backgrounds; csections scars; brazillians… it was a very cool experience.
I wear a size 2 and have crippling anxiety when it comes to bathing suits. I would have done the exact same thing…forced my husband to come in see every single one before I’d be brave enough to step outside in public. It TOTALLY doesn’t matter what size we are. wearing a bikini in public is essentially walking outside in your underwear!!! It’s not easy for anyone!
the SkinnyFat – that is a riot – I’m totally stealing that one… I have the hips of my grandmother…but I will admit, the new not drinking as much and eating better lifestyle I have with Will has put me in a smaller size than I’ve been in years…so thanks Will! But oh yeah I’m tall – it balances out the hair…and Jen is also tall – good call! I can’t wait either – and I hope the sickness clears at your house soon!
I’m kind of dreading this part of the ‘Fest.
I was a size 2 after Cuyler. I could rock any bikini. And I was proud of the MommaBod I had.
After Eva…? Not so much. Hate the bod.
I think I am what is referred to as SkinnyFat. I look thin but really am not.
And the cellulite? Good God it’s just taken on a life of it’s own. I’m blaming it on age – 30’s have been a shock to me.
And – OMG – your 5’10”???
I thought you were wee like me (5’2″)
(I picture Jen M really tall)
Not sure I’ve said it yet: I AM SOOOO EXCITED!!