Something magical happens when you have so many children living under the same roof and I am not talking about sugar plum fairies and Santa Claus. No I am talking about the extreme loyalty that goes on between siblings and then the sibling rivalry.
It amazes me how my children can get extreme pleasure from annoying a sibling, bossing each other around, fighting, calling each other names, and so on, but trust me – WATCH OUT! If anyone other than another sibling commits these crimes, you are quickly put in your place and not so nicely I might add.
For example take the other morning. Arielle and Ryley were just at each other like you wouldn’t believe. Poking fun, making rude comments, screaming, telling me everything each other did hoping to get the other in trouble. A regular morning actually. As they headed off to school Ryley informed me that I should send Arielle to another house, and Arielle asked if I could sell Ryley. Yes they were the worse of enemies.
Don’t mess with this big sister!
When they came home however, I was told how another child was picking on Ryley at recess. Apparently Arielle was informed of what was going on by one of her friends. Suddenly Ryley was no longer her enemy and how dare anyone pick on her brother! According to Zachary, Arielle marched over to the child who was much older than Ryley and being quite mean to him and put on her attitude face. She told this boy that if she ever hears of him picking on her little brother she would tear his head off.
YIKES! Not exactly the statement I approved of, but once Arielle kicks into protective sibling mode there is no stopping her. I informed her that maybe next time she should refrain from making such a statement and use different words. Not sure if it really sunk in or not……
All my children share this love / hate relationship and at times I sometimes feel as though I am watching a bunch of old married couples!
Always there to comfort
The one thing I have always tried to instill in my children is watching out for each other no matter what. As tough as it is to live with so many siblings they are aware that they are so fortunate to have each other no matter how annoying some may be sometimes. They always have someone to annoy, play with, torture, tease, plot acts of mischief with, and even to just hang out with.
Do your children have the love / hate relationship?
Until next time,
It is intense Julie and so true. One minute they hate each other then he next they love each other to death. Crazy weird lol
it’s pretty intense, isn’t it? my older one hasn’t been quite that dramatic in rescuing her little sister but i’m fascinated by the way they can “share a brain” one second and want to kill the other then next.