I’m not a shoe person. From early on, it’s been clothes and make-up for me. The allure of shoe-mania a la Imelda Marcos has always eluded me. My daughter, however, feels differently. At the minute age of 3.5, she is ALL ABOUT THE SHOES…all the time. She lives, eats and breathes for shoes. Any time we enter the mall, she’ll head immediately for a shoe store. When people ask her what she’d like for her birthday, she immediately responds with no hesitation, "Shoes."
She has an interest in make-up and enjoys getting dressed up like most little girls. Any dress-up occasion is always marked with serious attention to footwear. She’s even accepted the "no pain, no gain" aspect of new shoes. She proudly displayed some scabs on her foot, declaring "the shoes made those boo-boos but I don’t mind."
Here is but a sampling of her many pairs of shoes – most of these are from Loblaw’s (by Joe Fresh) where we can’t escape the shoes when grocery shopping. They just make her so happy that I can’t refuse.
Of these pairs (and others too!), her favourites by far are the red and white polka-dot ballet flats (see below). They’ve been worn with multi-coloured party-dresses, pyjamas and play-clothes at the park. When I was collecting her worn-out summer items to toss or donate, I somehow couldn’t part with these even though they are very haggard. I stowed them away as a keepsake of this precious and fleeting time.
This blog Is very informative , I am really pleased to post my comment on this blog .
i’m shocked you aren’t a shoe person! i totally would have guessed that you were!
My feet are a bit too big to be a shoe person…my 5’11” frame keeps me from being a huge shopper at all. However, my daughter LOVES shoes. She likes shopping (although she is not a frilly dress kinda girl) but the shoes are just so cute and, dare I say, cheap to resist. Joe Fresh has some cute ones, Children’s Place, Old Navy but my all time favourite pair of shoes are mini running shoes (like REAL runners wear) from the Adidas outlet store. Here big brother has the exact same pair!
So funny. My own little three-year old (who has worn out that same pair of Joe Fresh red polka dot shoes this summer) is also a shoe-aholic. Her first word, in fact, was “shoes.” In her case, though, she comes by it naturally. I, too, have trouble leaving the grocery store without a pair of shoes (for me) and live by the adage that your day can’t be all bad if you’re wearing red shoes.