A letter to the cold that is currently plaguing my sweet, innocent little Pea:
Cold, (note the intentional lack of a formal greeting, such as “Dear” or “Mr”)
You [expletive deleted] son-of-a-[expletive deleted]! YOU ARE NOT WELCOME HERE! How dare you enter my child’s body and plague her with illness, causing her to have clogged up sinuses, sneezing, frequent night wakings and general malaise?
She’s just a toddler fella, get a grip!
Does it make you feel good to make little kids feel bad? When are you going to realize that you are a nuisance upon mankind and that you should just go away? You must have some kind of weird, little-man Napoleonic complex going on to attack a poor, unsuspecting child like this.
Now, I’m a good guy and I’m willing to give you the benefit of the doubt… perhaps you have a boss who’s a tyrant. Maybe some kind of bacteria or something. And he keeps riding you and riding you… “Make her sneeze! Make her sneeze!”
If this is the case, take a stand for God’s sake. Be a man! There are plenty of other things you can do with your life. Might I suggest Research Assistant or Vaccine?
Should you not cease your attack immediately, I can make you this promise: if I ever, EVER, meet you face-to-face, you are in for a whole world of hurt my friend. I will rain down bucket loads and of nasal spray, decongestant and acetaminophen that will make you long for a slow-acting anti-biotic!
Now, we had a similar conversation in mid-December, but perhaps you are too thick and dense to get the hint. So I have enclosed a photo that will illustrate to you exactly what I am capable of. I trust this will help you come to your senses.
In closing, this is my final warning shot across your bow. Get lost or face my wrath.
Yours in vehement anger,
Pea’s Dad
PS – Don’t you dare use the “I am a victim of cyber-bullying” angle… that’s a serious issue and no one is on your side in this fight.
Shawn, could you please go and beat up, or at least threaten, my daughter’s recent stomach bug in this manner? I am sure this heave-inducing monster will be running for the hills in no time!
Poor Pea! It’s no fun being sick.
Very mean letter. I’m sure you’ve scared that nasty cold into submission.
To the parents of Pea…..hang in there, there is a light at the end of the tunnel. To my precious Pea…..LYBLTUABATO. If you need Grandma’s special soft tissues, I will bring my barrel fully loaded with all that is soft and we can snuggle while chasing away that nasty “bug”. Grandma is ready and armed!
Shawn you are hilarious!!! I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE reading your blogs 🙂 Sorry that you and your wife are dealing with this, yet again! 🙂 (can’t wait for summer!!! :))
Sweet Pea, feel better really soon pumpkin!!! We’re sending healthy vibes and healthy hugs your way 🙂 🙂
it sucks when they’re sick. they can’t blow and that’s the worst. we all know what you guys are going through but it will pass!