So last we left Carrie, Charlotte, Miranda and Samantha….they were riding camels in a desert in Dubai. I’m not sure what else happened because I was too horrified at how bad the movie was that I couldn’t even hang in to see Aiden.
I was a huge Sex and the City fan. I am still of the series. I could watch reruns over and over again. I have an undying love (and a dream to live there) of New York and I do think that the show was great for women and highlighting the beauty of the female friendship – and freaking hilarious.
That being said, I’m begging the producers, SJP and the girls to just leave well enough alone. STOP.
Now the rumour is out that they’re thinking of making a prequel. How did they meet? How did Carrie become a writer – how did Samantha learn every sex move in the book? Perez Hilton is saying that they’re considering Blake Lively as Samantha, Emma Roberts as Miranda and Selena Gomez as Charlotte….um and someone I’ve never heard of for Carrie. Take a minute to ponder that please – Blake Lively as Samantha.
Producers – please stop. Please. Don’t. I’m speaking on behalf of all of us that loved the series. We’re okay with the reruns. You must be making a crap load of money off of them – no more movies. But if you must…skip the prequel and go forward – WAYYY forward. Here is my casting…
Samantha – please – so easy – it’s Helen Mirren. She’s so freaking hot and she could be my grandmother. You know she and Taylor Hackford play dirty games.
Miranda – Judge Judy. She has to be tough and bossy. Can anyone other than Judge Judy do it.
Charlotte – Judi Dench. Because really Charlotte gets less and less screen time and Judi can be in a movie for 2 minutes and be nominated for an Oscar. She’d do it.
And well. Sadly in my movie there is no Carrie. She smoked way too much and lets put some realism here. But Michael Douglas would be mourning her as Big….he’s New York baby.
What do you think? Should they leave well enough alone…or go my way!
oh my god…i’m dying laughing
I really like the idea of a prequel, but don’t make it go too far back so we keep SJP and the girls. Wouldn’t be the same without them!!
Ha! That’s hilarious. Sex in the City: The Golden Girls Years.
I do think maybe the moment has passed and they should let it go down gracefully, too.
I’d pay theatre prices to see that see-see-sequel.
However, i am on the fence with the inevitable pathetic pick-up attempt by Helen Mirren of Miranda’s son Brady, played by none other than Rob Pattinson. I am embarrassed already – but that may also be leftover from embarrassment i felt during every scene that involved samantha in SITC2.
Also, $10 says Charlotte’s eldest kid grows up to be an exotic dancer. Played by Tia Carrere.