A while back I was talking with my Dad and he mentioned, “I read a study that noted how women who engage in heavy housework tend not to go overdue with their pregnancies.” He paused. “That might explain why you’re always so late with yours.”
Hardee-har-har, Pops.
It’s true, I am a lazy excuse for a housekeeper and I’d rather spend a day at the beach with the kids than mop the floors or scrub pee stains off the toilet seat. It’s an area I know I need to achieve better balance in and sometimes I wish I were a Type-A personality who couldn’t relax and have fun until everything was scratched off of her To-Do list. Instead, I’m like, “What To-Do list? Let’s go out for coffee!”
So perhaps that’s why I went overdue with my first two pregnancies…too much lounging and not enough housework. That being said, I have been busier than ever with this pregnancy: moving, packing, cleaning, unpacking, chasing after the two screaming children, more cleaning, and falling into bed exhausted every night. I have been experiencing lots of Braxton-Hicks contractions and a big part of me is hoping that all this out-of-the-ordinary (for me) exertion will indeed bring on a pleasantly early delivery. Like, 38 weeks would be perfect. Let’s hope the baby gets the memo.
Do you think it’s true, that the level of a woman’s physical activity has an effect on whether she’ll go overdue or not? What was your experience?
Personally I think if you spend a whole lot of time cleaning and scrubbing you will just be tired!!! I walked/waddled/clomped around a lot with my first pregnancy, had vicious BH contractions (to the point where I would have to stop moving for a moment, like that doesn’t attract attention when you are hugely pregnant and leaning over holding your belly!!), and went 10 days overdue. Second time around I was too exhausted to do much of anything for 9 months, didn’t really have any remarkable BH contractions, and he was born 3 days before my due date. I don’t see the logic. Just take it easy and enjoy the last few weeks with your family as it is!
I think when the baby decides to come the baby will come. It is hard to accept that one of the most life-disturbing things that you can go through is completely out of your scheduling control, I know. The waiting and the worrying are the hardest parts!
Personally I think if you spend a whole lot of time cleaning and scrubbing you will just be tired!!! I walked/waddled/clomped around a lot with my first pregnancy, had vicious BH contractions (to the point where I would have to stop moving for a moment, like that doesn’t attract attention when you are hugely pregnant and leaning over holding your belly!!), and went 10 days overdue. Second time around I was too exhausted to do much of anything for 9 months, didn’t really have any remarkable BH contractions, and he was born 3 days before my due date. I don’t see the logic. Just take it easy and enjoy the last few weeks with your family as it is!
I am 38.5 weeks right now, and have walked 45 miles in the last ten days. Still nothing.
I’m Type A, never sits down, constantly busy, did major housework my last weeks of pregnancy and was still late, 2 weeks with my 1st and 1 week with my 2nd, so unless I’m the exception that proves the rule that isn’t true.
I didn’t do a thing for both pregnancies. No housework, nothing (doctor’s orders).
First baby born at 36 weeks.
Second and third babies born at 35 weeks.
I don’t really think it has anything to do with anything. They come when they come.
I hope your daughter decides 38 weeks would be perfect as well.
My pause, for the record, was a pregnant one.
Labor can be so mean…it always plays with you…when you’re ready, the baby is not and vice versa. For me…It was the dead of winter with the first baby and I sat on my duff cross stitching, waiting for his arrival which didn’t happen til his actual due date. The second one, I was so busy chasing the toddler and just with life in general, and he arrived 11 days early (PERFECT!). The third one I figured would fall out at 35 weeks because I was now chasing two boys and moving/cleaning/selling house to come to B.C. No. I had loads of Braxton Hicks, and thought I was in labor for weeks, but he waited til his due date as well. Hence, no. I think your activity level has nothing to do with it. Sadly. I always say…don’t ever plan to go early. Cuz if you expect it to, it’ll never happen.