My (not so) little brother has been visiting all week from Toronto and we’ve been having a grand ol’ time drinking in the long summer days, and drinking up all of the local wines. Naturally, Karenna has been sick with a week-long fever (our kids never fail to get sick when my family visits) but we’ve been making the most of our free time between acetaminophen suppositories. It’s been neat.
You know I’ve never thought of this before, but I wonder if your kids get sick when visitors come, because your visitors are coming from different regions, with different bugs, and maybe don’t have that immunity yet. That often happens when people travel, and I think we don’t think about it so much in Canada because even if they come from 2000kms away, it’s still from Canada…but it kinda makes sense. Maybe.
Anyhow, hi to your bro. Tell him I still remember him dragging himself off the trampoline and up your balcony steps, and that I am sorry I whipped him with a skipping rope.