the word on the street is that these two – Kirsten Dunst and Ryan Gosling – are not only co-stars in the upcming All Good Things….they are DATING.
A source the spotted them out to eat tells the New York Post, "They were definitely acting like they were on a date. They lingered there for hours and were both dressed kind of shabby."
i heart Ryan so bad!! he can do so much better than her.
i’d love him & Rachel McAdams together… they were a cute couple!
Yaknow, Kirsten Dunst really needs a bra for once.
whats so hot about ryan gosling?
ew. plain and simple.
Oh yuck. I read this somewhere else (I don’t know if I can reference other celebrity gossip sites here) and he was wondering how the heck she gets all these hot guys….he pondered that maybe her vajayjay is lined with honey or something. Sheesh! I could handle most of her conquests (Adrian Grenier pretty much did me in though…and now Ryan Gosling!!!?!????!!!!!)