When Al Pacino utters this infamous cinematic line as Tony Montana, he is referring to the M16 rifle complete with grenade launcher that he uses to blast his way out of his office in the final scenes of Scarface.
When I use it, I am referring to one of my new favourite finds:
At first glance you may say to yourselves, "What is she talking about? Where has she been that she has just discovered Corona?"
Ahhhhhhh, but look a little closer, it is not a Corona, rather its younger sibling and this Momma’s favourite sunshine beverage, a CORONITA. And I discovered it last year, but this lovely warm, spring weekend where we had sun for what seems like the first time in 5 months reminded me of how much I have been wanting to celebrate and share my good fortune in beer.
Notice the difference in size. The missing 133mls (the difference between the 330 ml Corona and the 207 ml ‘Nita) is pretty much the exact amount I leave in a regular beer because it has gotten warm before I have time to finish it.
I am not sure if Modelo has even realized the marketing genius upon which they have stumbled. I certainly haven’t seen any ads promoting this beer that a mom can actually finish while it is still cold before someone in her family demands attention. It gets cold faster and tastes just like a regular Corona.
Plus my little Coronita is only 1.5 points on Weight Watchers as opposed to the 3 it’s bigger version costs.
In my university days I was a committed Molson’s fan and a hard core Ex drinker. I’ve found as I’ve gotten older I get full faster, which is kind of funny since my stomach is so much bigger, so I’ve become one of those women who I loathed, " a girl who can’t finish her beer."
Fortunately, where Canadian beer makers have failed, some Mexican buddies have come to my aid and marketed a beer just my size.
If you too enjoy a nice cold beer on a hot sunny day, or a cloudy day, rainstorm, snowstorm, etc and have either a tummy that can no longer take it or children, dinner, husband, dog, job, that need your attention RIGHT NOW!!!! before you can get to the bottom of a cold bottle, check out the Coronita.
I never thought of Coronitas that way. What a fabulous idea, a beer I can actually finish before it gets warm! I have to say that no other beer can compare to Corona on a hot summer day. Crap I want a beer! LOL!!
Perfect for me. My husband will like it too, I’m always sneaking a sip from his beer because I never drink a whole one. So now I can get my own!
How cute is THAT?! I don’t even really like beer but I’m going to have to get me a few of those!