Okay. So it’s not really hell, but it sure is a pain in the arse.
On top of the rank stench in there, the previous owners opted to put the biggest toilet and sink they could find in that small 4×5′ space. Now…this may be TMI – but I like to pee with flat feet. This toilet had me on my tip toes. And the kids – it was awkwardly way too high for them. AND it was a long/oblong toilet so Eva’s potty seat didn’t fit on it properly.
Everything about the bathroom was just plain wrong.
I found a tile.
It is called “black panther”. Oy…
I’ve never been much of a decorator and this is our first complete re-do of a room, so we’ll see what comes of my vision.
in the giveaway post for the molly maid service, where you link this post up to, you have a great photo above the toilet , “Do Your Thing” – it’s great, where did you get from? I love it.
We renovated our main floor bathroom this year. It had been renovated poorly sometime between 1965 and 1975, and then descended into horribleness from there. The renovation was a total gut, including replacing the main sewage stack for the main floor of the house. It was stressful, for sure, and I’m officially done renovating for at least another year. But our bathroom is gorgeous and clean and doesn’t stink anymore. Woot! Also? LOVE that colour!
Well time will tell if I’m much of a decorator. I’m not much of a painter – that’s for sure.
The colour is pretty cool though.
I think it’s one of those where people will totally dig it or wonder wft I was thinking.
That totally effing sucks Kelly. And it pisses me off a little too.
That’s why you need to live here. Mark charges a case of beer and a steak dinner. They guy knows what he’s doing!
Crap! Towel rack…
and toilet roll holder. Forgot about those…thanks for the reminder.
I am going to predict that the trim/baseboard will be the one thing that I completely stall on…
That’s always the fear, isn’t it? That you’re going to uncover WAY bigger problems than the ones you first wanted to fix. Luckily that didn’t happen this time – thank god!
LOL you’re not much of a decorator????? And you choose “blank panther’ as your colour choice? Now there’s a gutsy move girl = awesome!
Ummm…my whole house….My next one is a forced one.
I have a half demolished rotten deck that is unsafe and leaking into my workroom. This one may break my spirit. Lots of money to be spent on foundational stuff.
Just finished my bedroom though. It looks like a soft cloud and I love it. I have never splurged on Benjamin Moore until now. Worth every penny!
I think you’ll pull it off beautifully! We did a whole-house reno two years ago and it was major upheaval. I love the new space, but the thing is there are still so many little jobs that need to be finished (towel racks in the bathrooms, a closet built, etc) but we’re too tired/broke to complete them. 🙂
Hi Christine,
Congratulations. Nice colour. Now You have to pick dual toilet, and sink, and neutral tiles. Everything simple but in good quality and taste. Do not spend too much. Is not worthy. Just think what was for You important, what was missing from the beigining: a shelf, mirror in right place, another space. Becouse late will be too late.
If You need any advise I can help. I did a lots of renovations with my husband. Cheap and good quality and looks marveles. Good Luck. Maggie. email: malgorzatab@ymail.com
Oh, I’m so stoked for you!! That colour is awesome… I can’t wait to see the results, Christine!! (We have a basement bathroom that needs some work too… oy, indeed.)
black panther is pretty awesome! love the colour choice.
i decided to redo our bathroom when i was 7 months pregnant and my hubby was away so i could surprise him. i didn’t “nest”…i redid the bathroom! when i took the light fixture out and saw that it was just hanging in the wall…no mounting brackets, the wires weren’t even marretted together, just hand twisted i abandoned ship and called dad! so endeth the reno….