Do you ever have those days when the kids are fighting incessantly, the floor is getting dirtier by the minute, you’re feeling extra fat and behind on everything on your to-do list?
Yeah, me neither.
Well, in the off-chance you might have a friend who has had a day like that, I have a little something to see her through and boost her self-confidence: make homemade play dough.

I know, it sounds like of lame, but it’s a fun, cheap activity to do with your kids and it earns you a badge on your Supermom sash.
Here’s the recipe I use (it’s quick and you don’t have to bake it):
2 cups flour
3/4 cup salt
2 tablespoons cream of tartar
3 tablespoons oil
2 cups boiling water (add food colouring to water once it’s boiled)
It’s best to wear a cute apron when making the dough, so you feel like a foxy lady. Then give your kids the mounds of it with some utensils and cookie cutters. Then go put your feet up and eat a cookie (or seven).
When your husband comes home and asks what you did all day you can say, rather smugly, “Oh, just made some homemade play dough with the kids!” and he’ll be so impressed that you won’t have to mention the 13 consecutive movies they also watched while eating Doritos on the sofa after they lost interest in the play dough.
Do you have any little things you do that make you feel like Supermom? Do share!
Supermom, out.
Foxy aprons are word, yo. If only I could get past the hardening bits of playdough my kids drop all over the place, imbedding itself firmly into sock fibres, I might let them play with the stuff for real.
Of course, the apron cures everything…
I just learned the new trick of adding a package of Kool Aid powder to the flour before mixing it in. Makes it smell super yummy and taste not so salty, if, by any chance, some were to be ingested. I always forget though that the homemade stuff doesn’t last forever and can go mouldy if it’s not in the fridge.
Love it! Especially the foxy apron and the seven cookies! That’s m… my friend at least three days a week!
we made homemade playdough and added spices to it instread of food colouring so it was ‘gingerbread’ then baked it and made Christmas decorations. It is the only Christmassy thing I have achieved with issi this year and they are hung ALL over the tree to make myself feel more like a supermom when I look at them, while lay on the couch, watching dora after dora after dora.
Funny. My kids are playing with home-made play-dough as we speak. With sparkles.
I can’t take credit for making it, though. Ben’s teachers made it for all of the kids as part of their Christmas present.