After four years, I laid my old camera to rest and bought a new Canon Rebel T3i. My old Rebel had served me well, but the new body is full of great features, includes a video option, has more than double the megapixels and is able to shoot in lower light.
I like it.

My next purchase will be a 24-70 lens. When I win the lottery, you know.
Jealous. I’m keeping my eyes peeled for my next camera too – the relic I’m using is over 12 years old, and still takes okay pics, but the lens is scratched in a few places, and it’s clunky as hell. It’s sometimes hard to part with an old dear though… and I think I want another Nikon. $$$. I’ll be looking at the lottery numbers, too. Ack.
I hope your new camera serves you well!! (Lovely pic of your lovely Little!!)
Yay for you!!!!