I love a comeback story. Remember Hoosiers? Rocky? Remember The Titans? Well – if you love a good comeback..how can you not be pumped for our girl Britney Spears who announced her engagement this weekend to her former manager, Jason Trawick. She announced it on Twitter y’all!!
I go back and forth on this guy…sometimes, don’t yell, I find him hot in a creepy kind of way. Other times, I’m physically repulsed…but hey…he seems like he treats her well and he’s brought her back from hell.
Remember the Vegas wedding? The head shaving? Any kidding aside, she was past the brink and he and her family brought her back from it. (Taking notes Mr and Mrs Lohan???)
So I for one am raising a glass to Brit Brit. I’m going to toss back from cheetos in her honour and say CONGRATS! Can’t wait to see her boys in the wedding pictures. Do you think K-Fed will be there?
I’m also raising a glass for Vanessa Bryant, Kobe’s soon to be ex-wife. She’s pushing him to the curb after yet another tale of his infidelity came forward. I heard that one of the other player’s wives told her. Apparently, they have a bit of a pact, where if anyone hears anything – they come forward, expecting the same in return. I like that pact. I like that she had the balls to leave him this time and didn’t accept another massive piece of jewellery as an “I’m sorry”.
I did let Kobe off easy with this didn’t I?? You’re right.
I need to tell you my Lindros story some time – (no i wasn’t part of the crowd)
I definitely cheer for Britney’s comeback, and hope this is a happy ending for her, too. She deserves it. But her smile never seems to reach her eyes in her photos. Hopefully we’re just seeing her when she’s tired of being photographed, and it’s not more control, as Jen says.
I also cheer for Kobe’s wife walking after yet more “infidelities” (which is a kind description considering some of the past accusations surrounding him).
I will never forget a moment when I passed by Eric Lindros at a bar. I had heard he was there, and he was surrounded with a ridiculous crowd of women openly competing for his attention. As I shook my head and rolled my eyes in disgust, trying to get by to the bathroom, there was an opening in the crowd and he was looking right at me. He held my gaze, laughing, and then smiled kind of sheepishly and shrugged, as if to say “Hey, what am I gonna do?” And I laughed and nodded, like, “Of course–enjoy!” I remember thinking that it was good to see a little self-deprecation and that he was probably an interesting guy ASIDE from being a pro athlete. Maybe I’m just cynical, but as a woman I would never try to fight past a crowd of women to find out. And if I was with a man like that, I could never truly believe he would resist it every night while he was away from home for long seasons.
I know first hand that I CAN keep a secret. This has just recently happened where I have concrete proof, but refuse to be the bearer of this news. It has truly affected me as well, as I have such a negative outlook on men now…:(
Maybe I am cynical but I wonder whether Brit is marrying her former manager because she is being controlled yet again. I heard her interviewed on the radio in the summer and there is no way that she made any responses without being prompted and fed the answer. It was so awkward! And these were simple conversational questions.
I hope you are right!