Hi Gorgeouses!
Omigosh….NOOOOOOO! Is Joey Lawrence SINGING on Dancing With the Stars? NOOOOOO! Say it isn’t SOOOOOO! Oh, he’s lip-sincing…. NOT attractive. At. All. Who the hell choreographed that. So cheesy I can’t take it.
Oh…You still there? Sorry, I got carried away.
So, as I was saying. I love rainy days. I get all spacey, my tooth (on which I’ve had at least 10 surgeries) throbs all day, I get nauseous, my hair gets frizzy, muscles get achy and stiff, and I get soaking wet running from place to place with an equally wet monkey in my arms. BUT, it’s so cozy and, best of all, the monkey sleeps in! She slept in till 9’oclock this morning. I know, AWESOME!
Anyway, check it:
Does this look familiar?:
How ’bout this?:
Okay, I’ll tell you….Do the above photos remind anyone of THIS?:
The red gown, the long white gloves, the opera, the $2,000,000 diamonds? Could this show be any more transparent? Not to mention the CONSTANT allusions to fairy tales and princesses: "who is going to be the next princess?" But, this is exactly why we (or at least I) love this show! Hilarious!
My favourite, Erica, is gone.
Wahhhhh. Her parting words were priceless and worth quoting at length — even for those of you who don’t watch the show:
It’s unfortunate that all my, like, positive things once again in my life has worked to my disadvantage. Every guy I’ve ever met has judged me because I’m pretty, and I’m smart, and I come from a privileged background, and I thought maybe if I met someone that, like, had those same qualities, they wouldn’t judge me, but it’s not true!!!
Every guy that was raised like me wants a poor girl, so he can be like this Prince Charming to Cinderella, and no one wants a go-equal, and I just want my go-equal, and I hope I can find him!
It’s a disgusting little gross fairy tale: the poor girl meets the rich guy and they fall in love and live happily ever after. I’m so bored of that story.
See? Pretty Woman! Isn’t The Bachelor just so brilliant? Genius editing….Genius.
And, "go-equal"? Huh? Wha? Can you say: "Nut. Job." ?
Other girls: Lisa has to go. Soooo annoying with the "plan." I think either Agnese or Jeanette are taking it home. Agnese has the passion and chemistry going for her, and Jeanette the looks and the emotional connection. What do you think?
I’m sooo happy Erica’s coming back on the show next week! She’s totally hysterical!
Photos c/o The Bachelor‘s official site.
First of all, if you haven’t read the quote above — by Erica from The Bachelor — it’ll crack you right up. Check it. Second, apparently, The Amazing Race is doing an All-Stars show, and guess who’s already signed up and confirmed?:
Yup, it’s our favourite cousins: Mirna and Schmirna! Also confirmed are power team Colin and Christie. Should be good!
That biatch Ali, over at Fabulous, stole my bit! Kidding, everyone who is anyone is talking about these latest pics of the new Britney, one month post Sutton Pierce’s birth:
Can you say… "COMEBACK"? How ’bout… "TUMMY-TUCK"? I read somewhere that there was a tummy tuck a little while ago, which makes sense given that these first pics (and this photo op…) are coming out just now, and her looking so darn good. But, this is just rumoured; nothing is confirmed.
Ooo, look! Shopping! At a trendy (not trashy) store! And, she looks hot….Looks like the days of Britney trash-bashing might be over. We can always pick on the Federslime, though! There’s always that….
These photo’s of Britney were taken by X17 Online and originally posted there. Many thanks.
Photo c/o PerezHilton.com.
Ryan Gosling and Rachel McAdams were in Toronto on Sunday. Where the hell was I? Cute dog!
Photos c/o Just Jared.
Talk about glam…gorj….How great is Brad-holding-baby? Hott…!
Photos c/o Just Jared.
I mean, Gwenny can get away with this. Sort of. But could you or I? I’d get beat up, for sure….But, then there’s this:
Can you guess who? It’s not that tough because she’s always wearing crap like this.
Photos of Mischa c/o X17 Online.
Mischa Mischa MISCHA! This girl just can’t seem to get it right! This is not a flattering look for her. And, there is such a thing as too much blush….But, just when you thought it couldn’t get any worse:
Photo c/o PerezHilton.com.
No snarky comment necessary. They (Patricia Arquette and her hubby) did it to themselves….
According to PerezHilton.com, Nicky broke up with Kevin because she caught him cheating! With an 18-year-old. Ew. And, awwww. I liked them. I liked him! He seemed so normal. Sucks.
Photos of Jen c/o Splash News Online.
Here she is at the Glamour Reel Moments Short Film Series. She looks awesome, and she’s not wearing black! Those pants are, like, a dark teal. Sweet!
Got comments? What’d you think of The Bachelor? Gwenny’s hat? Could YOU wear it? The new Brit Brit? Having to endure Mirna and Schmirna again…?
Have you been to The Cheaty Monkey today? There are sleep secrets there, among which thanks are given to a certain can’t-live-without aquarium….CHECK IT!!!!!! And, I got tagged, so go here, and learn more than you ever wanted to learn about moi…. KISSES, Haley-O
If Britt is done having kids I wouldnt doubt she got a tummy tuck, she can afford it after all.
In her defence though she could look that good all natural as well 😉 You never know.
I know in my case I was back into a size 7 jean sometimes size 5 less than a month P.P. from having Caleb.
I couldnt fit into my size 3’s because of my hips expanding… not so much extra belly weight.
I did get back into them after a few months tho.
I think Britts age helps with the fast come back.
Shes around my age I believe…
so speaking from experience its not to hard to come back. Just takes some work.
And, re. ERICA: I love her for the same reasons I love this damn show. She’s, like, a microcosm of the show, the embodiment of it: she’s all fluff and superficial and unrealistic and silly and nutty….LOVE!
Selma! You commented! I love it love it love it! You are SOOOOOO right about Agnese. They’re so steamy together, though. HE ONLY has the steam with her…, you know? And, Erica with the Italian accent — hilarious! LOVE that Erica’s coming back, though. She’s tres entertaining and cracks me right up. Who knew people like that ACTUALLY exist (I mean…, you know…).
ok, just one comment re: the bachelor. Agnese will NOT win, she is not american. they always make the reference to ‘american women’ and the ‘local’. According to lorenzo, he can’t communicate with her.. (although he says she’s gotten much better – no thanks to that wierdo Erica talking to her s.l.o.w.l.y. and with the italian accent.) Can’t stand Erica, she is a nut job, not fair she gets to come back to sabotage the others. Even if it’s good for ratings. she’s just horrible.
lol! lol! hey haley when you’re right ,you’re right.it’s hard to notice her hubby in that pic.hope he has enough air to blow those bagpipes.
Yep, agree with Jen, what WAS Patricia Arquette thinking (or NOT, more to the point?)
TAR – Lurrrrrrrve it, sigh, waiting for it to come back on TV here. Loved Mirna and Schmirna (are those their real names, it was something like that?). If you remember, last season, TAR went to Perth, Australia – THAT’S WHERE I LIVE (ok, calm down, Heidi) and yes the cab problem is bad…remember the episodes at the Fremantle Prison and ending the challenge at the Yacht Club? I live about 6 km’s east of Fremantle (or Freo, as we locals call it) and I went to a Canadian Club Thanksgiving at that very yacht club in 1997.
Gwen Stefani – she looks great in ANYTHING, IMHO (especially when she is, ahum, *wearing* that hubby of hers, yummmmmmoooo…)
HER BAD MOTHER: I’ll talk about ANTM tomorrow (night — I post LATE at night!), after I get those pics. The pics are freaking hilarious! Anchal! Cracked me right up! More tomorrow! And, I’ll look forward to your thoughts on it! The Bachelor is hysterical! It’s, like, as bad as ANTM (and, bad is the new good!) ;).
LAVENDULA: Did you notice her hubby in the skirt? Hard to notice him next to those knockers. But, she’s like his bagpipe!!! If you want to talk balloons! 😉 I hope that makes sense….
Can’t do the Bachelor, literally or figuratively, sorry.
What’s your take on tonight’s ANTM?
thanks haley for clearing up the dress /shirt issue for me.man,somebody needs to deflate patricia arquette,before a super big gust of wind gets her airborne!
Awww, LEESHY! I love ya, too! And, no apologizing, of course! While this is a humungous time sucker, it is the most rewarding thing EVAH! I don’t know where I’d be without it. I’d be…doing laundry.
Hey, if you and I keep commenting like this, maybe we can get me up to [huge number] comments!!!! Wouldn’t that be something! 😉
i blush.
(and i wasn’t fishing for compliments, either. just messing with you, Hales (i gotta do something while i sit on my ass at my desk and wonder how i can get you to come back to work…..) i love ya! and apologize for introducing you to this insane time-sucker!)
Lavendula: I’m sorry to say, it’s a dress…. Yikes!
Tuggy: I was wondering the same thing about Shiloh. She must be with the nanny.
Jen: Watch the Bachelor! What are you to good for us Bachelor die-hards, huh? huh?
All: Britney’s boobs? I think they look aiight, actually. They look a HELLOVA lot better than mine did. She looks feminine. But, that may be just me. They do make her head look really small, though…!
Yes yes ALI introduced me to the blogging world, and to celebrity blogging. If it weren’t for her, I’d be reading books, selling more art, washing laundry on time, getting to sleep at a reasonable hour, etc., etc. — and I probably still wouldn’t know what a blog was. So, we can all THANK and BOW DOWN to Ali (that’s what she likes! Hahahahahahahah!) for bringing you MOI! KISSES! 😉
Seriously, Ali really does deserve the bow-down. LOVE! 🙂 And, her celebrity and reality tv scoop is among the best out there. Sooo witty and observant. If you love Grey’s check her out on Fridays (AFTER you check me out at BOTH my blogs, of course…!): http://alimartell.com.
So Brit is looking better…can she get rid of K-Yuck yet? Who’s that guy with her, a new manny?
Sorry to hear about Kevin & Nicky, too…I liked them together.
Where’s Shiloh?
LOVE Jen. always. And Gwen. But no, I could never wear that & not get hit.
what was gwen thinking?ewww that whole outfit was so wrong.and she usually has such impeccable,if somewhat quirky taste in clothes.so was mischa wearing a super short dress or an extra long t-shirt?does anybody know?brit looks great ,but like jen said she needs a bra with more support.and patricia arquette if you are going to put ballons in your dress,oh sorry were those her boobs?please cover with more fabric so they don’t look like plastic.ok?please.
my bad.
haley-o! i was blogging the celeb dish for YEARS before you even knew what a blog was (see…my archives)
anyway, britney looks great. even if she did get a tummy tuck, her legs look awesome too!
is that Gwen Stafani in that picture? ew.
and Mischa ALWAYS forgets her pants. always.
I can’t bring myself to watch The Bachelor. I would be switching all the time out of total embarassment for these women!
As for Brit, she does look great. One month post partum I was still housebound and only ventured out at dusk when the light was most forgiving. I would just recommend a bit more of a supportive bra.
Whoa on the super sized cleavage, Patricia! What was she thinking?!