I have loved having my sister here for the last week but to be honest everything is overwhelmed by my mom’s cancer and the treatment. I feel bad for my sister. Her life is in such a wonderful place! A baby on the way. A wedding to plan. In her mid-30’s I’m sure she sometimes thought this might never happen. And now that it has she can’t joyfully plan everything all carefree. She has to worry about cancer.
Today my mom went for her treatment again. She is feeling better thanks to some pre-meds which means the side effects are better. Thank god. Unfortunately the good news didn’t last. My mom got her results from her last surgery and they found some stray little buggers still floating around in there. I guess the only way to look at it is that it definitely could be worse. Off to the Radiation Oncologist and add radiation to the list of things to do.
I don’t really swear on my blog. I make a conscious effort not to because I think it is usually unnecessary and way too often gratuitous. However, in this case I think it is absolutely appropriate. I fucking hate cancer.
I can’t imagine how difficult this must be, watching your mother go through it all. And you sister with her attempts to enjoy such a thrilling time in her life. A rollercoaster of emotions, I’m sure.
Be strong (as difficult as that can be some days), stay positive and vent whenever you need to.
You and your mom are in my thoughts.