My (almost) three year-old started preschool this morning.
She will be attending two mornings a week and we are all happy about it. She loves the sense of independence, the chance to learn and play in a new environment, and the friendly teachers. I love that she’s learning important social skills like sharing and self-control, along with the alphabet and the names of the days of the week.
Not that I expect her to follow exactly in her older sister’s footsteps, but this year of preschool was very formative for Avelyn and we saw her grow and change in so many positive ways, so we are hoping to foster some of the things in Karenna as well.
I have always been the kind of mother who is ready for a little break from my children every now and again. It does us all good and I am excited to see them again, to hear about what they did and learned. I do have quite a few friends who wait until their kids are older to do preschool, or even those who bypass it completely and just enjoy those early years at home with them. I wish I were one of those moms. But I am not. And that’s OK.
What about you? Did you put your kid(s) in preschool and activities the minute they were old enough to attend, or did you let them linger at home for as long as possible?
I have put all three of my kids in one year of preschool. I would probably have done two years if I could have afforded to. Especially since my kids are home with me all day, they need the interaction with other adults and children. The routine is good for them, and they seem more eager to learn in that sort of environment. It also got them prepared for kindergarten. Next year I will have three in full day school! So I’m trying to enjoy this last year having Shea home (other than those 5 hours a week in preschool). Love Karenna’s shirt!
Kaylie didn’t go and Liliana wasn’t going to go, but I need to go back to work and preschool is the perfect hours for that, since she goes four days a week. She LOVES it and I’m so glad she gets to go.
yah, so my youngest started grade 1 yesterday…WHOOT!!! 🙂 but i did put them in drop off programs when they were old enough. for me and for them. i do sometimes wish i had some time back but you can’t look at it that way. if they weren’t there sometimes i’d be nuts! well, more nuts 🙂
Sweet child!!
Oh darling, I am with you. Of course I love my children, but having a wee bit of time apart does us all some good. Madame has been going to preschool 3 mornings/week since she was about 1.5 years of age, and she LOVED it! So, she’s starting her third year at the same place, and I’m hoping to hang onto my last remaining bits of sanity… barely.
Good luck to your little Miss this year! And good for you, mama!!
Looove that picture! I was ready for my son to start daycare…and so was he! I find by the end of the weekends, we’re both ready for breaks from each other!
I am a huge fan of daycare, and even if I were home in the daytime, would want some mornings in daycare, too. I think the structure and the social aspect are good for them, and I like the early learning that goes on. Glad you are both loving your decision!
I love my kids, and (for now) I’m staying home with them, but I need need need the pre-school break! I love that they’re in a place that they’re hugely enjoying (My son was mad in the spring when it ended) and that we get a bit of a break from each other. It’s good for everyone!
This year I have one kid in Grade 1, two in pre-school, and a 14 month old at home. Believe me when I say that I’m super psyched for those two mornings a week when I’m down to one child for a couple of hours!