Congratulations! If you’re reading this you are either pregnant or have just welcomed a new baby into your life. Motherhood starts when you find out you’re pregnant and from that moment on, every time you see another pregnant woman you share a knowing smile. You’re both in the same club. You will forever be a card-carrying member of this club. This club that can be wonderful, full of love, fear, anger, happiness, camaraderie and isolation — all at the same time.
My name is Sandy and I’m a mom of two. I’m also the editor and co-founder of Oh Baby! Magazine and Oh Baby! is a free publication available across Canada and covers everything pregnancy, baby and toddler. When I was asked to write in this space on UrbanMoms I jumped at the chance. My goal is to make motherhood as enjoyable as possible to as many moms as I can reach. I want to be a part of your life — the good and the bad. Whether it’s to tell you that it’s ok to sleep on your back during pregnancy, that it’s ok to breastfeed your baby in public WITHOUT a cover (gasp!) or that you’re not the only mom who feels alone and under appreciated sometimes, I’m your girl.
You see we are all different but the same in so many ways. We all worry about our babies. We all want what’s best for them. Having babies and raising kids takes a village and sadly we don’t always have that these days. What we are lucky to have is this online community. Where we can laugh and cry together, educate and reassure each other and most importantly be supportive. I’d like to use this space to help you navigate your way through pregnancy and life with a new baby, after all, I’m a mom and chances are I know how you feel.
I’m really happy to join the urbanmoms community and to celebrate I’d like to give away this incredible Valco stroller and fab gift basket from Munchkin.
To enter the contest please comment below and tell us what stage of motherhood you are in and how it has changed your life.
One lucky UrbanMoms member will be chosen at random for each of these prizes:
1. Valco Baby Zee – A great stroller for everyday use! The light weight chassis and double bearing wheels provide unrivalled handling. Quick and easy to fold to put in and out of the car. Suitable from newborn to 45lbs. Car seat adaptable. Value – $300.
2. An Ultimate Munchkin Gift Basket – From toys, teethers, feeding accessories and bath products, the Ultimate Munchkin Gift Basket comes beautifully wrapped in a deluxe wicker basket and has over 40 different Munchkin items guaranteed to delight both parents and baby. Value – $250.
Contest closes Mar 1, 2013.
Click here for Contest Rules and Regulations members are eligible to win so don’t forget to sign-in. Not a member yet?
Click here to join.

Canada’s free pregnancy and early parenting publication Oh Baby! Magazine and are dedicated to providing readers with information to support them through pre-conception, pregnancy, and their child’s early years. Regular Oh Baby! features include: nutrition and health tips, recipes, cool stuff, fun contests, blogs and so much more!
I am in the toddler stage and it keep me very busy as well as we are trying for another so..FX
my daughter is 7 months old and its a joy to be a Mother and to have such a blessing!
I have two kids – 6 and 9, and I’m currently in mental limbo on whether I want a #3 or if I’m just too old to bother at this point. My little sister is pregnant with her third and it’s giving me even more baby fever. It’s a wonderful time with my kids right now though – funny, creative and adventurous little companions.
I am a first-time grandmother-to-be … my daughter is expecting this June and we are excitedly planning baby showers, and looking at baby clothes and furniture together! What fun it is to pick out little tiny shoes again! It’s hard to imagine that time has passed by so quickly that my own child is now grown up and is about to become a mother too! She’ll be a great Mom!!
I have a 4 year old son and a 2 year old daughter. I think that being a mom has greatly enhanced my life. Its funny how before the first one is born you just cant imagine being a parent but the second you hold them for the first time you cant imagine not being a parent. And I think that that sums up how I feel every day. They are my everything.
I have a wonderful 5 year old son, and a gorgeous 6 week old baby girl. She was born 5 weeks early but is doing great! They both have changed my life incredibly. As a single mom with my son my whole life revolved around him. So when I met his step dad, I made sure he did the same before we had a child of our own. You would never know they werent both his children. Every day my life is better because of my family.
I am just beginning my journey, I am in my 30’s and trying for my first baby. It’s a little overwhelming and exciting, I can’t wait to hold my baby!
I am a first time mommy to a beautiful 4 months old baby boy. It was the most precious gift from God. It truly is a magical moment when you see your child’s face for the first time. My bundle of joy has changed my life in a way from being irresponsible i have become more responsible, improved my patience level alot and became more respectful to others. My baby schedule is now my schedule. His health, growth and safety is my first priority. Now that i am going through this beautiful phase of life THIS MAKES ME RESPECT MY OWN MOTHER MORE THAN EVER!
Expecting my first born in approx 6 wks.
I am a mom of one beautiful daughter who is three. I am also pregnant!! So I would say I am in the beginning stage for both. Its crazy how much you learn everyday from being a mother, and the best part is that you never stop learning and you never know who can give you the best advice. ( My 3 year old is my #1 teacher ) :p
I’m 4 days away from my due date for my first. 🙂
I have two little girls under 6. They keep me very busy since mostly I am doing it on my own. They make life more interesting and lively…
I am pretty brand new at this! I am the lucky mother of a beautiful 6 month boy. Motherhood has changed my life in so many way. Before I gave birth to him everything I did to a certain extent was for myself. Since giving birth all of my choices, and actions have been for him. And it’s been an incredible ride!
My kids are 9 and 11 (with down syndrome). We have a busy, crazy home. I love it!! My kids are my world. My sister is trying to have a baby and I can’t wait till she does. She will actually see how busy and time consuming it is.
I just had my first child, my little girl is 3 months old now. She is growing and changing everyday. She has become the center of my world. I am still working on letting the small stuff go but my daughter is going to help me change myself into a better person.
With a 2 year old and a full-time job, life can be hectic. It has certainly taught me to be more organized, it’s that or go crazy lol!
Soon to be first-time (single) mom here. Just found out I am 5 weeks pregnant. First official doctor’s appointment coming up this week.
So I’m in my late 30’s, I work with children JK-12, and I sell baby and children’s gear/toys/stuff part-time. You’d think being around kids and kids stuff all the time, I’d have all this “experience” and “exposure” but I am freaking out.
I thought I’d be living the bachelorette life forever. I had not prepared for this life altering event financially, emotionally, physically, nor socially, so now I have about thirty some odd weeks to get my act together.
I am into the almost tweens…and the best years are coming I love it.
I am trying at the moment to become a mom it is scary and intimidating but exciting at the same time
I have 2 little girls. My youngest is 6 months old and my oldest is turning 3(!) next week. I’m absolutely a different person than I was before these kids came along. Sometimes I surprise even myself by how much I’ve changed. I swore I’d never be a stay at home mom, yet here I am. I’m so tired of tea parties, yet here we go every day. Researching midwives the way I used to research the specs on Apple’s latest offering. Such tiny creatures they are to change your entire world forever!
I a at the BUSY stage of motherhood with 2 little ones and unsure about anymore yet…
I am in the toddler/preschooler stage and I have a 7yr old as well. It’s crazy sometimes but I love it. It’s changed me because I never thought I wanted to be mom, now I feel like I needed to be a mom!
waiting for the nextest of the grand children in july really could use for gift of for myself
I am a mom to a 7 month old baby boy and my life has changed so much since I got him- the most wonderful gift from my life ever!!!:)) Meeting him for the first time. Breastfeeding. The cuddling. Seeing the changes every day… Learning to communicate together and seeing the world through his wonderful eyes…I am in love with him at first sight and now I know that love at first sight really exists:))The best part about being a mom is the unconditional love you get from your baby every single day:))) Elias, I love you so much…”I love you to the moon and back”
My sister just had a beautiful baby girl so I am, of course, the dotting aunt!
I am a mom of two fantastic girls.
Motherhood has changed my world upside down.
I am eating now even Tuna and Peanut Butter, both used to make me vomit just by the smell of it and now I can’t get enough lol
I always put my family first, no matter what. Even if it means I won’t eat or have time for myself, my girls and husband are THE most important people in MY LIFE!!
I love motherhood, I love being needed and I love giving love to my family !!!
My daughter is having her first, my first grandchild too. They are just starting out and this would be a great help.
Mom of 5 year old, 2 year old and one more on the way this summer!! Looking forward to adding to our wonderful family, and all the new stages it comes with.
My kids are not babies anymore. Double Digit Twins still in Elementary and one almost finished high school. It is a great stage because they are all very independent and helpful. The only thing that makes me sad is that they have grown so fast. I am so proud of all of them.
I have 2 boys, my oldest will be 6 in may and I just had my youngest January 16th 2013.. My boys are my world. Motherhood is like nothing I can describe. It’s is the perfect mixture of love and life it’s the moments when they look you in the eyes and you know they depend Solely on you. My boys have changed me in every way imaginary. I was 18 when I had my first son not to young but young enough that I had to grow up fast and I wouldn’t change one moment of it. Wether I win or not glad you know what my boys mean to me.
I’m in the teen and tween stage, and hopefully NOT going to be in the gramma stage for another 10 years at least! Being a mother has made me realize that the only important thing is family. Everything else is secondary. I have these wonderful children for such a short time that I want to enjoy every second of it, even the sullen teenage stage.
I’m at the grand mother stage and I love it. My first grandchild is a healthy beautiful little girl. She was born 4 weeks premature and is now just about 3 months old.
I have just started out and I am loving every minute of it. We have a two year old and an almost 8 month old. I have my hands full but wouldnt change it for the world.
We are at the expectant stage and it has changed our life already with all the changes it brings. It has been a very busy and emotional 6 months so far.
I have a 1 year old and we are wanting to start trying for another very soon. The past year has changed me so much, that sometimes I don’t recognize myself! I am recently back to work and having a hard time missing my little one during the day. It is crazy how quickly my priorities have changed and how precious our family moments are, especially now that we have less time together while I am working!
My kids are grown up and I now have a 6 year old granddaughter and a 10 month grandson to enjoy. I love seeing them as much as I can.
i have a 3 year old and a 6 year old. I love it!
I have 2 kids, a 5 yr old and a 10 month old, I am loving both stages. Watching my 5 yr old grow into such a caring thoughtful child. I love watching him learn to read and develop. It makes me the proudest momma out there. He is also such an amazing big brother. The last 10 months have also been a joy with our latest addition. Watching the bond between brothers develop has been amazing!
Oh Baby! My little man is 14 months now and each day I can’t believe how smart he is! He has made me a better person and I never sweat the small stuff anymore. I have learned to appreciate how important each day is even if you didn’t do much! It’s all about bonding:).
We are expecting our second baby girl now in July. I could not be more excited! Motherhood has become the best part in my life. It has given me the chance to experience a love I never expected.
I am waiting for my first grandchild and am very excited- counting the days.
Newborn still – 5 weeks! Every day is different, but the biggest change so far is how much life revolves around our LO and we like it!
My son is nearing the six month mark. As someone who was told at the age of twenty that I probably shouldn’t have children, I am thankful and amazed every time I look at my little boy. That he grew inside me, that I nourish him with my own body, that he has my smile and my nose…I am constantly in a state of wonderment. It truly helps with the sleep deprivation and the new mom worries. I am an artist who creates all the time, and I can say without a doubt, he is truly the best thing I have ever created.
My baby is 5 1/2 months old. Almost half way through my maternity leave – boy, time is flying by. My daughter has changed my life entirely — now, everything is about her. I am pushing myself to do things I would not have done previously so that she can experience different things. I have become a stronger person, and definitely have that protective Momma bear instinct.
Just passed, 24 weeks and very excited about the arrival of our first baby! (With two legs, hoping our two dogs will be good with our new son). Glad the terrible morning sickness seems to be behind me, missed soooo much work and there are so many new need for this new little bundle that must be acquired. I have entered the stage where I am keenly aware of where all the public lavatories in the malls are located as I feel that need so frequently. Its a joy and a challenge!
I am in the planning stage and also soon to be an aunt.
After a fertility battle we are finally pregnant with our first! I’m 24 weeks now and taking it all in! There has been some complications along the way which has changed my life already knowing that its not just me (us) in it anymore, our lives are already working around the safety of our unborn son. We are thrilled to meet him and start a whole new chapter in our lives!!!
I’m in many stages of being a mom! My baby is 13 now! And my first born is pregnant! So I’m in the about to be Nanny stage of being a mom! She’s due June 22, 1213! Its changing me in many ways! Mostly I seem to be more emotional!
My granddaughter is 6 months pregnant with my first great grandchild!
I can definitely say having children changed the course of my life. As it were, being pregnant and having babies turned out to be a life threatening situation for me. But after dealing with my own mortality I decided to concentrate on the important things in life and not let things bother me. Unable to work any more I stayed home with my children and never regretted a day. Both are now grown up and moved out but we remain very close. Hopefully soon, I will be able to enjoy becoming a grandma.
I have a 2 year old. She makes my life crazy!
I have 4 children. two starting adulthood and two little ones. Yes I started over again. Some days I wonder what was I thinking but then just a giggle or smile answers that crazy question. It’s been a very stressful life but one I wouldn’t change for the world.
I am a grandmother of a beautiful baby girl and I also two new great nieces all within a short period of time. The stroller would be great for my granddaughter & I could split the basket with all three.
Being a grandmother is so much fun and her smile makes my heart smile.
We had our two kids 19 months apart… advice for people… DON’T DO IT! Ha, just kidding. It’s been super busy and hectic but now she is 22 months and he’s about 3 1/2, and they can actually play together well and entertain each other. It has gotten way easier since he’s now potty trained. And make sure that you and your partner give each other personal time to recharge.
We have two kids, 1 and 3 years old and things are crazy! It’s getting easier but we’re always tired and any time to yourself is golden!
I have a 1 and a 4 year old and I love how innocent and sweet everything is to them, it reminds you have special life really is if you just slow down and enjoy it.
I am a new mom of a wonderful one year old. He changed my life for the better. Just one smile, one laugh transforms the crappiest day into a wonderful time. Hoping to expand the family soon too.
My husband and I are thinking of having children. For now I am an aunt of a 4 year old and soon to be aunt of twins. So excited!
I’m a 36 yr old mother of three very active kids, 6 yr old boy, 4.5 yr old girl, a 3 yr old girl and in my 22 week of pregnancy expecting my forth one, quite often feeling very unappreciated, feeling lonely, dreaming of a little break, in whichever way:))
I am awaiting my first grand child.
im a first time mom to my beautiful baby boy he is 3 1/2 months old and each day brings new and exciting things. it is tough im not gonna lie lol i didn’t know i was preg with him until i was 4 1/2 months! having him has changed me for the better, i love him so much
I am the mommy to 3 wonderful girls. Our oldest is 5 going on 15, our middle daughter is 4 & our youngest just turned 1. In addition to that I am pregnant with our 4th!! Being a mommy is my life. It has brought me so much love & happiness but also some frustration! It has definitely taught me to be more patient. It has also taught me to slow down. To see things from a child’s perspective & appreciate the simple but beautiful things in life!
I have a two month old son and a 6 almost 7 year old daughter. It is hard getting used to having a baby again after a big gap between kids but it is nice having all my time to dedicate to the baby while my daughter is at school. We have lots of bonding time.
I have two children – one almost 6 years and one is a year and a half. Life is always busy, complicated, often stressful…but I wouldn’t change a thing!
we have recently had our 1st baby now she’s 4 1/2 months old and it has changed us completely..our schedule and responsibilities have changed immensely and we are loving her so much.
I’m a mommy to a 3 year old girl and a new mommy to my 10 week old son. I still feel like a new mommy sometimes. This baby is so different than my daughter was. Very busy trying to fulfill the needs of an infant and a toddler.
Kids are grown up, have given me grandkids and now my grandkids are giving me great grandkids. Its so nice to have the time to enjoy these little ones now
I have a busy toddler and am 24 weeks pregnant with my second. I love every minute of it but it is exhausting and everyday it makes me appreciate my mom even more who raised 3 girls and worked full time.
I have a teen, a tween, a schoolager and a toddler
My son is 7 months old. It’s so completely amazing, it seems like every single day he’s developing new skills. Just tonight, at dinner, he used a pincer grasp to put a small puff into his mouth, a skill he’s been working on…I told him he was clever and clapped my hands? And to my surprise, he grinned and clapped right back at me! So cool. He blows me away every single day. It’s changed my life because I’ve never been so mind-blowingly PROUD of someone. Everything he does fills me with pride and happiness, and it’s amazing. They tell you about the love and the attachment.. but they don’t tell you just how proud you are of your child. It gives me a whole new understanding of my mum’s pride in my siblings and I.
I am in the grandparent stage and look forward to grandchild number 3. A new stroller would make a wonderful gift. Strollers sure have changed since I had my children.
My son was a wonderful and unexpected gift at a time when I thought I’d never conceive, I had my son at 40 and he’s now 2 and I cannot believe how quickly the time has passed. He is absolutely the light of my life and I am in the “attempting to potty train stage”. So far it’s just fun to sit on the potty but nothing has happened yet…..we’re waiting to throw the big pee party 🙂
I live with my cousin who has a baby I like to think I help her out a bit she is a single mom, lots of babies in the family though, I have done lots of diaper changing I was 14 when my mom had my brother.
My children are grown up but I am going to be grandpa soon which I am really looking forward too this will be the first time for me, I feel like they are all still little kids still with the way they act sometimes , thanks happy Valentines day
Just delivered. Very overjoyed and tired. Motherhood is a full time job!!!
My son is just under 20 months, and boy has it been 20 months of change for my husband and I! I never valued sleep as I do now, and with him still getting up in the night, we are exhausted. But we wouldn’t trade a single thing. He is the most awesome little guy, and every day we fall more and more in love with him! Even though he has said the word ‘Thomas’ (the train) before he has even uttered ‘Mommy’, I know my little man loves his mum. 🙂
I am in the “planning” motherhood stage. It is both exciting and a bit stressful to dream of what your future looks like and what this little person may and become. To anticipate all of the wonderful twists and turns your life will become once this new person joins our world.
I am on my 4 th but they are ranged from 12- 7 months… to win a stroller or basket
Well, I’m at the TTC stage of motherhood so I hope to be able to share how it feels to be a mother! These prizes would be a great start on my way to collecting all the things I need, of course!! 🙂
Grandmother stage is the best. But we need all the extra goodies at our house too.
Welcome to the Urbanmoms community Sandy!
I have an eight year old boy..
You can never really be prepared for motherhood … you have to take it one day at a time.. and enjoy each and every moment and store those memories for a lifetime. Children grow up too fast and every new mother (no matter how tough those early months and years can be ) should make the most of their time with their child or children :)…
My brother’s wife just had a baby six months back so I’m an aunt now..
And my sister is 18 weeks pregnant more or less.. so another new baby to look forward too.
I am mom of 2 beautiful girls, 2 and 9. We are the best friends and have our own secrets.
I have a 9 year old and a 2 year old. It has changed my life immensely! I thought I was done after the first one and now I have another one in diapers. It has been a blessing, a joy, and a crazy house for a few years! They definitely keep us busy. I wouldn’t change it for anything though!
I have young kids, 2 & 5 years, and life is busy. We are going in 20 different directions all day long. I wouldn’t trade it for anything!
I have a wonderful 4 year old and am currently 7 months pregnant with my second son. My boys have changed my life in so many wonderful ways, I can’t imagine my life without them now! Despite all the hectic days of working and trying to raise kids, I wouldn’t trade it for anything.
i have a 2.5 year old, and a 1 month old. though tired, my life feels ful of love and energy.
almost there!
Grand parent stage here with another grand baby on the way
I have 3 boys, currently. They are 5, 7, and 8.5. I consider these the school age years. We’re a homeschooling family and it’s been so amazing to watch my boys grow, learn, and become little men.
We are expecting boy #4 in about 7-8 weeks. I’m psyching myself up for that new mama stage all over again! Bring on night feedings. hehe.
These kids have changed my life in immeasurable ways. I have a purpose for my life. I am blessed beyond imagination. I’m tired and overwhelmed a lot. But every moment is worth it!
Right now I have a beautiful (almost) 2 year old daughter, she is a busy girl and a handfull at times. I am so much enjoying being a mom that I am excited to wake up every day and see here sweet face. I love watching her grow and learn everything for the first time. We are planning on trying for #2 in August. Can’t wait!
Great Contest thanks for the opportunity. :o)
As a mother of 3 children between the ages of 15 years and 6 months I experience the different stages of motherhood on a daily basis. Between diapers and teenager hormones my hands are more than full. Recently our youngest daughter was born 4 months premature and after 145 days in the hospital has finally come home. Having a preemie newborn can be scary and you tend to second-guess yourself but I wouldn’t change anything. I love my kids and I’m the luckiest mom in the world 🙂
I am pregnant with my first child after a long struggle with infertility. This experience has changed my life because it gives me hope that anything is possible! I am so thankful for my little miracle and can’t wait to meet him/her!!
I am pregnant with my second child. I am so nervous for this baby, its been almost 8 years since my son was born so I am litterally starting over with everything! I love being a Mom and I know its what I was meant to do, its the most fulfilling thing I have ever experienced.
we are just at the stage of trying to conceive. Vey hopefull.
I have 2 adult daughters ,5 grandchildren & a new great niece to spoil!
I have 2 teenage girls, and I have a great niece is almost here, she will be born in March:)
I’m in several different stages of mommy-hood currently!! My oldest is 18 and has moved out, but my youngest is a toddler and still in diapers and breastfeeding and then there are 3 more in between (preschooler, kindergartener, and my 2nd oldest is in grade 9 so he will be starting highschool in the fall). So, I think I have *almost* all the ages covered lol
I am soon to be a grandmother and so looking forward to it !
I am a mommy to a beautiful, independent, funny 18-month old. Since having her, I have become more relaxed (imagine!), care-free and loving.
Being pregnant changes your whole life. Suddenly, your eating habits have changed, vitamins to take, books to read, strange aches and pains, exercise to do, heartburn, and of course, nerves to conquer. :):):):)
I just found out that I am expecting not one baby but TWO! I am so excited and a bit overwhelmed, i’ve been spending the last few months preparing for one baby, what a great surprise! I am 6 months pregnant my due date is June 4th 2013. We know that one baby is a girl we don’t know the sex of the other baby. I am on cloud 9, I can’t wait to meet the new additions to our family.
I am one day overdue with my first child, a girl. How has motherhood changed me? I’m not sure I really know yet, at this stage I just find I’m excited by cute cloth diapers and lusting after funky car seats, and frankly could care less what fashions are in for spring and what shoes I must have in my wardrobe. The rest is yet to come!
My children are grown up and families of their own now so I am at the grandparent stage. It is wonderful to enjoy the grandchildren and to have more time now than I did when my children were young.
I haven’t entered quite yet, but i am preparing!
My daughter is turning 1 in one week, so I still consider myself a new Mommy. My life is way different now, and in all good ways! I love watching her learn new things everyday!
I am now in the teenager stage and I am great aunt as well. I have the wonderful excitement of having a new baby in the family and the pleasure (most of the time) of having two great teenagers.
I have two kids and a third on the way. Motherhood has not only changed my life, it IS my life! For now, anyway. While my kids are young.
I’m pregnant – 16 weeks – with my first baby!! Still in the early stages, but already I can’t stop thinking about nurseries, baby clothes, toys, strollers, schools, children’s programs, etc! I have been loving every minute (well, except for the nausea…) 🙂
I just became a grandmother and am enjoying this new stage in my life!
I am in the starting stage of motherhood and it has made my life very busy
My kids have grown up and moved away. Now that I’m at retirement age I don’t have the pension I would have had if I had stayed in the workforce rather than choosing to become an at-home mom. If I could go back, I would have tried to work part-time to keep up my skills in order to re-enter the workforce full time later.