i must first interrupt our regularly scheduled blog to post some new pictures of my delicious nieces, Evie and Lauren.
are you not dying from cuteness?
okay…how about now??
i have said it before…i really need to get me a best friend who is also a photographer. really, i do. no, i’m serious. i am taking the kids on sunday to the superstore to get some shots. i, embarrassingly, haven’t been since Isabella turned one. That’s over a year. this coming from the mom who shlepped her baby Emily to The Sears Portrait Studio every two months for a gazillion shots and poses. yes, i was THAT mom. but, life, i guess, got in the way. and also, the digital camera. i take so many good shots of the kiddies myself…
The superstore, for the price (it’s like 30 bucks), takes amazing pictures. they are nothing like the ones you see above, but they are pretty good captures of what the kids look like right now.
but here’s my question for y’all to ponder over.
How should i dress them? i ALWAYS do the jeans and white t-shirts. simple, classic. occasionally, i go crazy and do the white t-shirts and khakis. i know, crazy! when i took them the last time, i did navy and white shirts and khaki cord bottoms. came out great. but…now what?
can’t do pink.
(i know. pink is the new blue. but not for my 5-year-old. i don’t want him burning these when he’s a teenager. or hating me for dressing him like his sisters)
so…what do we do? any suggestions?
Oh good. I’m glad I’m not the only one who hasn’t had pro shots done for a while. Our first was born in October 02, so we had a family pic done at Sears. Then we had her 1 year pic done for CHristmas the next year, at Sears. Our second is 2.5 now. He’s never had a pro pic done. I did win a free family portrait from a local photography studio, but haven’t done it yet. I say we’ll do it when I lose the weight….
fancy dresses for the girls and shirt/tie for Josh, it would be fun, they would love it I am sure (well, maybe not Josh!) and it would be a GREAT holiday gift for family members…
BEAUTIFUL pics!!!! The eyes on those kids! WOW!
You’re embarrassed about not taking prof pictures since Isabella was one???
I HAVEN’T TAKEN ANY PROF PICTURES OF THE MONKEY!!! I just find it too painful. Boring. But, josh and I have, like, thousands (no exaggeration) of pictures, and that’s good enough for me. 🙂
And, soooo, you do have a photog friend — ME! I take great back-of-the-head pics. I’ll do it for you guys for FREEE!
Ha! Macy has exactly zero professional pictures. Luke has 2 and one of those is his soccer picture. Zoe has her school pictures, her soccer pictures and 2 pro pictures. We have no pro pics of them together!
As for your dilemma – how about a more formal shot? Put the girls in dresses and Josh in a shirt & tie… might be a nice change.
Do they have to match? Obviously I don’t have 3 kids, but when my sister and I take our kids together we just make sure that they don’t clash. It seems to work out okay.
And, I bet Isabella will get a preschool pic this year so you won’t need to worry too much.